"Monday Morning Miscellany" counts as a subject, right?

Oct 11, 2010 09:21

1) Happy birthday to boggit and starmack! You are both lovely and you deserve all good things, so I hope your days are wonderful. And that there's cake. I can't eat cake, so someone should.

2) It is Monday morning. Certain people called in sick on Thursday and Friday, and finally arrived this morning being surly and miserable and basically unwilling to do their fucking jobs. Here's a spoiler: I have no sympathy! Suck it up or go home, because I don't actually need you here.

3) My mom was in town this weekend, so we spent yesterday impulse shopping. She bought me a new coat, which was unnecessary, but I didn't tell her no because it's not like I could really afford it, and damn, I wanted that coat. So now it is mine, and it is gorgeous, and I am going to wear the hell out of it this winter. Here's a picture, if you're so inclined.

4) Writers Group was this weekend too. I read them some more of my gay romance, which got me kind of excited about it again, then I talked my mom's ear off about it for awhile yesterday, and now I'm thinking that instead of attempting Nano, which frankly I wasn't planning to do anyway, I should take a break from fan fiction in November and use Nano as the structure to work on my novel.

4a) Taking a break from fic for the entire month of November means I should probably get the Glee series at least through the Ohio trip before the end of the month. I have plans and while I am not feeling particularly motivated to write in that universe at the moment, I feel I probably should get things to a decent stopping point. Just to minimize distractions, you know. Of course, that means I have to figure out how to start the next part when my brain just really wants to jump ahead, and the timeline is kind of fucked and I'm not sure how to fix it etc. etc. nobody really cares. I reckon people just wish I'd write some more porn at this point.

5) I am back on my hardcore no sugar/no carbs diet. It's been about a week. So far, so good, though the scale reported a rather depressing number this morning. I'm trying not to obsess. At the very least I will keep my obsessing off my journal(s). For now, anyway.

series: diwwcf, boring rl stuff, see also: clothes horse

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