In which there are a lot of pictures which illustrate just how boring my life has become.

May 22, 2010 18:04

Thanks again for the input re: Glee. Last night after working out, we watched the episode in question, along with Dr. Horrible. I don't think my sister really got Dr. Horrible, but at least she watched it. And we agree that Jane Lynch is the best person on the planet, so it's all good.

Here's something I'm kind of looking forward to: Kink bingo. It returns next month, don't you know. I think I'll toss my hat in the ring again this year. Last year was a pretty good time, and I can squeeze in five short kink fics around my novel writing. Speaking of which, I hosted the Crazy Weirdo Writers today and it has inspired me to work on my novel. I have to work out tomorrow, then I need to work in the yard some, but after that I am going to do some serious writing. Actually I could do some writing tonight too. I mean, I could just hang out on the couch and read instead, but my time would be better spent striking while the iron's hot.

Anyway, it was a small group today: just Kurt and Eric, and Eric's father-in-law, who is visiting from Colorado and Eric dragged along just for kicks. He used to write some, so it was nice to have a visitor to our ranks. And those guys are both pretty cool, so it was a good meeting. We did a writing exercise at the end using my favorite writing prompt (Imagine a coat. Imagine the pocket of the coat. Imagine what's in the pocket.) and it was the first thing I've written in, like, a month. That is so sad. And another good reason I should do some writing tonight.

But first, some random pictures I have taken around the house this week.

When we painted my kitchen, I took down this ancient security system that was still screwed into the wall. Here is what I found behind it:

Pineapple wallpaper! Classic. It was sort of a shame to paint over it. And in case you don't recall what my dining room used to look like:

Ugh, so dreary. This, on the other hand, is the updated dining room:

And my new deck cushions, as viewed through the screen door:

Here is the cake I made for Anna Leah's birthday. It's quadruple chocolate. Not the prettiest cake I've ever made, but I hear it tasted great:

While I am talking about food, I will show you my haul from the farmer's market this morning:

And while I'm here, some random pictures of my garden. First up, the shade garden out front:

Here's a side view of the shade garden:

Remember my tiny rhododendrons? They're growing so fast:

Mandatory close-ups:

And last but certainly not least, the GIANT poison ivy vine that is flourishing on my back fence. You should see the root on this thing! It is, of course, the healthiest plant in my yard. I poured some vinegar on it today, but I have a feeling it'll require a couple applications before I manage to kill it:

There's a serious bumper crop of poison ivy this year. And I thought last year was bad. I have rubber gloves to don before I head out to do the yard work tomorrow. Though I'll probably start itching just from getting close enough to take a picture of that giant vine. I wouldn't be at all surprised.

I should think about making some dinner. Can you just eat a pint of strawberries for dinner?

bingo, meetup, house, picspam, cwwg

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