this subject line has better things to do with its day than hang around here

Jan 14, 2010 12:49

Happy, happy birthday to severity_softly! I hope you are having a wonderful day and that it continues into the weekend. Not being at work is a good start, anyway. ;)

Good news: My car will not be ready today! Bad news: It will be ready tomorrow, but I cannot pick it up tomorrow, as I have to be at work all day and timesheets already went in, so I can't change my schedule. I am waiting for the insurance company to let me know if it's a big deal to keep the rental over the weekend.* Edit: The car is mine for the weekend! I fully intend to take it joyriding to Pigeon Forge with my sister.**

I still have not signed up for au_bigbang. This is because I still have not figured out what happens in the story, exactly. If I can come up with a plot of some variety, I might give in. Time will tell! I mean, don't get me wrong, I could just write 15K of smut and be fine with that. But the whole point of AU is the plot, really, so I think writing 15,000 words of porn would just be cheating.

What else? I am currently reading Mindfulness In Plain English, which is a fantastic book about meditation. Here is an excerpt:

Somewhere in the process [of Vipassana meditation], you will come face to face with the sudden and shocking realization that you are completely crazy. Your mind is a shrieking, gibbering madhouse on wheels barreling pell-mell down the hill, utterly out of control and helpless. No problem.

So true! The whole book is like that. Very irreverant and tongue-in-cheek but also really wise and easy to follow. My copy is due tomorrow and it is an interlibrary loan, unfortunately, so I have to return it. But that's okay, because I need to own this book anyway.

The author, Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, has also written a follow-up, Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English. I think I need them both. I first read about him in The Accidental Buddhist. Apparently he runs a retreat center somewhere not that far from Tennessee. If I ever have any vacation time again, I'm going to look into that.
* I am bad at being an adult, I have to ask stupid questions all the time. I ceased to be embarrassed about this awhile ago.
** We are going outlet shopping. I can't afford to buy a thing, of course, but trying on expensive clothes is always fun.

big bang, books, boring rl stuff, lol karma

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