In which Bones is also surprisingly awesome. I feel like I'm having a long-term hallucination.

Sep 26, 2009 11:13

"I don't often get to say 'ergo'."


Oh, Wendell. Just when I think I can't love you more. Ergo! Tomfoolery! Shenanigans! Albeit! All excellent words.

And Wendell/Hodgins is canon now! (What? In my world lunch is the closest it gets to an actual date. I wish I was kidding, I really, really do.) Oh, oh, they 'got drunk' together. It helps when you're exploring new aspects of your sexuality. It's nice that Wendell's so patient with you.

Good lord, they are BFFs. I am going to buy them heart necklaces with 'BFF' engraved in them like in "Jennifer's Body" and mail them to FOX like a creepy stalker.

I digress! The bad James Bond impersonations! Hodgins commenting on Wendell's intimacy issues, given this new aspect of their relationship! Hodgins hinting to Angela that he and Wendell have a thing now! I can actually feel my tin hat getting tighter.

And I am typing as I watch (in case you couldn't tell), so while I don't have canonical confirmation yet, it is obvious that Jack is going to buy the rest of Wendell's education for him. AND THEN HE IS GOING TO GET SO LUCKY. Nggh. No alcohol required, even. I, I need that fic.

Though before Jack gets lucky there will probably be an argument about Jack buying him, basically, and how he doesn't want to be kept by his boyfriend. And as soon as he realizes that he said the word 'boyfriend' out loud he'll freak out about that, and Jack will have to man up and talk him down, because he's freaked out too, certainly, but he still wants to get lucky.

It's so much better in my head. And now I have reached the part of the episode where Jack's assets are frozen, so I guess it's going to be Brennan who buys his education instead. Pity. It would have been a much better fic if they'd written it my way. Though it's ridiculous that the financial aid office wouldn't have notified Wendell already that his scholarship had been canceled. They're all over that shit at universities and everybody knows it.

But, oh, God, Wendell fangirling Bones. That was so adorkable it actually hurt a little bit to watch. And his baby emo tears. They're killing me here. Though hey, now Wendell and Hodgins can have beers and he can be sad about his scholarship, then later get mad that Hodgins didn't tell him, and they can fight about that before they have makeup sex. That could work too!

Oh, hockey analogy. Booth, ILU. I forget sometimes, because this show is so uneven lately, and Boreanz is such a tool, but I really, really love the character he plays.

And in the end they all bought his education. So EVERY scenario could work! Except that Hodgins is the only one who gets thank-you sex. I think at first he would take credit for saving Wendell's education, and after the thank-you sex he'd fess up that he wasn't the only one who made a donation. And Wendell would make a bunch of jokes about stealing his virtue under false pretenses, and Hodgins would pretend to be indignant and question whose virtue, exactly, was at stake in the first place, and then there would be lots more kissing and maybe some more thank-you sex. ♥ x one hundred billion.

I don't even know what the case was about. It was boring, whatever it was. But Wendell! And Hodgins! And Wendell/Hodgins! They are halfway to that small family wedding in Boston already. I know at some point the show is going to stab me right in the back, but I am going to enjoy the almost-canon of one of my favorite rare pairings while it lasts.


This has been quite a premiere week so far. I mean, Criminal Minds didn't give us much, granted, other than one throw-away line, but I forgive them because Matthew's injury clearly made that entire episode stilted and impossible to work with. Though the writers could have handled it better. I'm just saying.

CSI, on the other hand, totally delivered, and even Bones felt like a return to the show I used to adore. I am sure they're all just messing with our heads so it hurts even more when they drag us back down to reality. But oh, I really want it to last.

I still haven't watched Castle, but I have to go work out now, and then I need to grocery shop and possibly also see if I can find a denim jacket that's cute but not crazy expensive, since today is my only day off this week, and then I have to babysit rugrats so my sister can take her husband out for his birthday, so it'll have to wait. Maybe tomorrow after work. I have a couple little kink bingo projects to take care of too, and I think they are due soon so I best get on those as well.

Unrelatedly, cinderlily did something so incredibly nice and amazing for me, and while I can't show you yet, I just wanted to state publicly that I am really grateful to be her friend. I was reminded quite painfully this week how bad I am at interpersonal relationships, and once again Liz managed to remind me at exactly the right time that there will always be people in my corner to count on. She's always had great timing, that one. Just one of the many reasons I love her.


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