Yesterday, between bouts of cleaning, I was poking around online and discovered that Steve Gonsalves (of Ghost Hunters) was at Dragon*Con this weekend. I still would not have gone had I known beforehand that he would be there, partly because I do not need to meet anyone about whom I have written fictional porn, but mostly because I can't afford to take another vacation for, oh, say, the next century or so.
Having said that, I wouldn't mind meeting someone from the show, only so I can ask them how exactly the whole thing works. How they coordinate travel/scheduling of their investigations, specifically, because if Steve still lives in Springfield, MA full-time, and Tango lives in fucking Jersey, that's a long commute to an office in Warwick, RI. It certainly changes many things about the way fic would be written in that fandom, and pretty much makes what little there is on the internet completely AU.
Granted, back when they all still had day jobs I imagine the investigations were weekends-only and driving two hours and crashing on someone's couch or even driving home after wasn't that big a deal. But they must spend a lot more time together now, at least during shooting for the show. It's a four hour drive from Rhode Island to New Jersey. That's a long commute, is what I'm saying. So I just wonder how it works. Not for any particular reason.
So that's mostly what I thought about yesterday and the day before while I was obsessively cleaning every inch of my house. I also: finally got around to changing out the toilet seat in my powder room (and I need to figure out what to do about the mildew in there because seriously, gross), packed up two boxes of clothes for Goodwill (which was closed yesterday, WTF), and tore apart and reorganized my bathroom cabinets. Once again my sister happened to be getting rid of the exact piece of furniture I needed to better organize my dining room at exactly the time I needed it, so I started on that (though there is still work to do).
I did manage to write another 1000 words of that AU I was talking about last week, but other than that I have been too exhausted to write anything. We'll see how today goes. I did manage to buy
the most loved birthday gift of my nephew's fourth year, which makes me happy (It's the
Playmobil Knights Of Dragon Rock set. He really digs the dragon.)
And while I am posting pictures, here's Mia in her party dress. My mom made it for her. It's pretty adorable. I would post the ones of me with the kids, but I am too depressed about how I look to show them to you.
Mia and the doll I bought her. She was not really impressed.
To do this week: hem the pants I didn't get around to this weekend, answer e-mail, mow the lawn, and finish the dining room. Maybe write something too. Though if the chatty bitches I work with don't settle down that is not going to happen any time soon.