Title: Skin Poetry
Fandom: Brotherhood II
Pairing: Harlan/Marcus
Rating: NC17
Summary: Harlan isn't a poet, but he likes writing anyway.
A/N: For my
kink bingo card. The kink is Writing On Skin (for the wildcard spot), with bonus Humiliation (Private) (sort of), and Object Penetration (Not a Sex Toy), because I can't seem to stick with just one
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Wow. Just... hrmm. Wow. I have to tell you that when you started talking about the kink bingo thing I was kind of ... I don't know. Hesitant? Cause I love everything you write, and will read anything that you post even if I don't know the pairing or even the canon but I am a total prude (which you know) and an entire bingo card of fic that I was nervous would make me totally uncomfortable was just a little daunting, you know?
But this? Was really and truly brilliant Caroline. Not in the, "Wow, that's hot" way (Which it is, btw.) but in the way that it is so vivid and real and faithful to the canon that I don't doubt one bit it could have been in the film. You have Harlan, who really is supposed to be a background character and a villain at best, fleshed out and human and you have Marcus true to his own (totally valid) anger at what had happened but still able to go from there and build the relationship with Harlan and... well. Fuck Caroline, this was perfect. And I wish I could give you more articulate reasoning behind it, but that is what all my rambles would boil down to: Fuck. Hot and in character and oh dear lord. ♥
Anyway, thank you for taking a chance and reading these even though they're pretty porny. I am very glad to hear this one worked for you. I do love Harlan and Marcus, and this particular kink was pretty much tailor-made for them.
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