in which there is no subject

Jul 08, 2009 11:00

Oh my goodness, it took me a second to recognize him. ::sniff:: Sweet, clumsy Neville, all grown up. How time does fly.

And this one's just lovely. writingpathways shares my adoration of Rupert, so in case she doesn't see this in her internet travels I repost here:

Lord knows when I will get a chance to see the movie, though I am SUPER EXCITED for it. Maybe I'll take myself the weekend I get back. The crowds should be less manic by then anyway.

For now, though, it's back to comment fics. It's really difficult to concentrate, I have to say. I keep thinking about all the stuff I still need to get done in order to leave town Friday morning, and I look at my list and think of how much I could be getting done if I wasn't stuck at stupid work.

There was an altercation with a coworker yesterday right before 5:00, but it's not even worth rehashing here. Suffice it to say that my vacation can start any time now, kthx.

ETA: Happy birthday, eledhwenlin! I hope it's wonderful.

harry potter

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