I did not watch Bones. I turned it on, but about two minutes in I just couldn't do it. Like, mentally, I couldn't focus on the storyline. Maybe I'll catch it on Hulu on the next particularly slow work day or something. Or I'll forget it altogether, unless someone tells me that Wendell's in it and he's worth it.
Though I do think it's a total cop-out that the long-awaited Booth/Brennan love scene is a freaking AU. I knew this episode was going to be sort of AU, but I didn't know it was completely AU, so I feel sort of cheated. And are we supposed to be placated about Zach and the Stupidest Character Assassination Ever by the fact that they brought him back for the AU episode? Because that's pretty lame too.
Yeah, I think this show and I are breaking up before I even see the finale. It's not like I need the canon to write my pairing of choice anyway.
Amnesia? Are they fucking kidding me with this? Yeah, we're definitely breaking up.
CSI:I am digging the musical montage intro tonight. It's so rare these days that the setting is anything more than incidental, which I suppose is bound to happen after nine seasons, but Las Vegas is such a singular experience that it's nice to be reminded where they are from time to time. Setting as character, you know. I enjoy that.
Stop distracting me with hilarious Tweets while my show is on, Michael Ian Black! During Greg's first scene, no less, which happens less than ten minutes into the show, so clearly Eric has done his penance for whatever it is he did. I still say talking George into loud sex in his trailer again.
Oh, look, Nick's going to be the new Grissom. And he's paying for his own training and he's all geekily excited about hanging out with a bunch of entomology nerds. That's...extra fricking adorable. Thank you, writers! (God, I love that man.) And Greg helped him pack, of course, because seriously, he is not sending his man out to a professional conference in that freaking cowboy gear his mother sends every Christmas. At the very least he could look like he's been shopping since he left Texas. It's not gonna kill him, you know? (Nick did put the plaid shirt in his bag. Greg just took it out and hid it in his bottom drawer, then replaced it with the striped button-down that brings out Nick's eyes.)
The diner owner is played by Cynthia Watros, aka Annie from Guiding Light. She was briefly married to Josh, IIRC, and she was a bigtime junkie. I can't believe I remember all that. Huh. I guess her biggest role to date was on Lost? I stopped watching that show halfway through season one, but I recall her getting busted for DUI in Hawaii or something like that. She hasn't aged well.
ANYWAY. Back to the Nick and Greg Show!
Riley just gained a few points with me for the way she said, "I love guns." I bet Bobby thinks she's sweet and likes talking to her, and she had a little crush until somebody filled her in on his husband and baby girl, and then she just felt stupid. So Nick and Greg took her out for breakfast and tried to make her feel better by telling her embarrassing stories about other people in the lab. Of course Greg told her embarrassing Nick stories just to watch Nick blush, but he regretted it when Nick related the story of Greg's first forays into the field. Then somebody mentioned Warrick in passing and it got all bittersweet and Riley excused herself more or less gracefully, thanked them for making her feel like part of the team, and went home alone. And Nick and Greg told a couple more old work stories in the form of, "Hey, do you remember the time Rick..." and "What about Sara and that EMT?" and they laughed into their bad coffee, then they paid the bill and went home and went to bed. It's all very boring and domestic. My favorite. (With sandwiches.)
Commercial break: I have taken a couple Advil PM in the hope of actually staying asleep tonight, so if I say anything that doesn't make sense, well. I haven't actually slept in two days, so you'll have to forgive me.
I like Catherine's shirt. I wonder where they got that. Oh, wait, I don't like it as much in the wide shot. N/M.
Speaking of not aging well, hi, Gerald McRaney.
Riley should not wear her hair pulled back so severely. Just saying. Maybe there's something in Marg's clause that says Riley can't be prettier than Catherine.
I am sad that they shipped Nick out for the entire finale. I mean, on the one hand, it's adorable that he wants to be the new 'bug guy', but did they have to send him away for the whole episode? Because if he'd been around, I could imagine that he and Greg were goofing off in the break room while everyone else was busy theorizing about casino chips. Greg would be eating something disgusting from a microwave container and Nick would be drinking the secret stash of good coffee that Greg only shares with him, and Greg would tell Nick stories about the glory days of the casinos, all of which Nick has heard approximately one million times from Greg before, but he doesn't care, because he gets to watch the shapes Greg's mouth makes when he forms words. And he gets really animated when he's talking about his writing or his research, which means his hands start moving, and Nick knows what he can do with those hands.
Greg, for his part, gets Nick's rapt, undivided attention, along with accompanying indulgent smile, and that's about the hottest thing he can think of. It's a little foreplay right in the middle of their work day, and they're not even touching.
Then the break room door opens and Mandy walks in, and she takes one look at them and says, "Ugh. Get a room."
And Nick says, "Well hey, you're not using your lab right now, you mind if we...?"
And Greg pretends to be annoyed and tells Mandy that she's got to quit flirting with his man, because it's just getting pathetic. And she rolls her eyes at both of them, grabs her Diet Coke and salad from the fridge, and goes back to her lab. But she's smiling once her back is turned.
See? Do you see how much better that would be than just shipping Nick off to a conference and leaving Greg to go to bed alone? I'm just going to pretend that Nick didn't leave right away, so he had time to hang around the break room and watch his man talking and talking even though he should be working. But Nick's just waiting around until it's time to leave, so he appreciates the company. And then Mandy comes in and they tease her, and once she leaves again Nick says, "Guess I should get a move on."
And Greg says, "Don't go falling for some exotic bug expert and running away to Thailand or something."
And Nick laughs, and his neck turns red, and he reaches up to rub the back of it while he smiles down at Greg. Then he says, "Not a chance," still smiling but totally serious, because he knows when he's got it good, and he wants Greg to know he knows it. So Greg smiles back at him, and he walks Nick out to his truck, and he looks around to make sure nobody's watching before he leans in to kiss Nick goodbye. And then he has to go home and go to bed alone, which is sad because he hates when Nick's away, but they talk at least twice a day all week long, and Nick's really excited about all the new stuff he's learning, which is nice.
There's other stuff to mention, like the Nancy Sinatra Girls Rule musical montage, and Brass being himself, as usual, and Ray's very anti-climactic deadly force moment. But I prefer to end on the image of Greg grinning at the ceiling while he lies on Nick's side of the bed and listens to him talk about larvae or something, Greg doesn't even know, because he's not really listening to the words, but he loves hearing the sound of Nick's voice, especially when it's up close to his ear like that, and he likes it even more knowing that in a few days Nick will be home to whisper in his ear in person. Yeah, I think that's how I would like to end the current season.
You know, all things considered, rediscovering my Nick/Greg love hasn't really been so bad.
And on that note, I am headed to bed. Either I sleep through the night, or tomorrow is canceled, because I seriously can't take much more of this.
Edit: Huh. I did not know Eddie Cahill could act now. Good for him. (Okay, really going to bed.)