Bones. And fic. Bones fic.

Apr 15, 2009 22:33

Wendell asked Hodgins out in canon! On a bromance date, but I will take it. He hangs out with a bunch of girls just like he's one of them! He's the gay BFF! (And maybe he's hoping just a tiny little bit that Hodgins isn't quite so straight as all that.) Clearly the Wendell/Hodgins universe verges wildly from canon and always will, but it's still kind of awesome of the writers to parallel it, in a way. Just goes to show they do have chemistry, even if the show keeps insisting Hodgins is straight. In fact, I would be willing to amend my own personal Wendell/Hodgins worldview to start with tonight's episode being their accidental first date. You know, if I wasn't too lazy to write it.

Goddamn, this show sucked me back in. I was almost out! Damn you, Wendell Bray-Hodgins. Though I don't approve of the Daisy situation. Way to not get the facts before you stick your nose where it doesn't belong, Bones. Plus, it was totally obvious that she wasn't cheating on him (though it is completely implausible that her cousin would let her pick out her wedding dress).

That was a nice scene with Booth and Bones at the end, though. It felt like them, you know? The real them I've been rooting for all this time, not the lame pseudo-them we've been stuck with this season.

And now that I've said all that, here's some fic set in the universe that doesn't exist in canon. It's funny; usually I am pretty weird about needing my pairing to fit into canon, even though intellectually I know it's never going to happen. I cringe at the mention of personal lives because I am really, really bad at ignoring canonical relationships and writing as though they don't exist. It just bugs me, and I can't really say why. But with this pairing...I guess I just love Wendell so much that I don't care about having to write around canon. Which, let's face it, is pretty silly anyway, so that helps. I want Wendell to be happy (and on the show more often, if you're listening, writers), and I am willing to deny as much as I have to in order to make that happen.

Who knows how long that will last. Have some fic while it does.

Title: Radiation Vibe
Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Wendell/Hodgins
Rating: PG13
Summary: Hodgins works on discovering new sensations. Too bad his boyfriend is kind of a prude.
A/N: Uh...inspired by tonight's episode, so spoilers for 4x20, though only for Wendell's first scene. Inspired by Wendell's facial hair, mostly.

He ignored it for as long as he could. He was working, after all, and borrowing expensive equipment without exactly getting permission was one thing, but this was totally different. This was personal -- at least he was pretty sure it was personal -- and he wasn't about to jeopardize his internship for his personal life. Even if he technically only had a share of an internship.

But it had been at least twenty minutes, and he couldn't concentrate with somebody staring like that. "What?"


"Don't give me that," Wendell hissed under his breath, scowling at Hodgins' innocent expression. "You've been staring at me for like half an hour. Do I have something on my face or something?"

"Yeah. I mean no," Hodgins said, blinking a few times like maybe he was trying to clear his vision. " didn't shave this morning."

"It's midterms," Wendell answered, running a self-conscious hand over his chin. "I've been studying every second, I didn't have time. It's not like you've never seen me with a five o'clock shadow."

"I know, I know," Hodgins said, his hand coming up a little, fingers twitching before he caught himself and lowered his arm again. "But this is different."

"Different how?"

"I don't know. I guess I just never thought about it before. I mean, it's kind of weird, now that I think about it."

And here it was: that moment he'd been dreading since they started this thing. He knew better than to date a straight guy; he was way too old to be somebody's experiment, and he was smart enough not to start something he couldn't finish. But no matter how many times he'd told himself that, when it came to Hodgins he just couldn't help himself. So he'd been trying to brace himself for this moment since the beginning, but he couldn't help wishing he'd gotten a little more time. Still, getting dumped at work totally sucked, and he'd expected Hodgins to have a little more class than that.

"Look, Jack..."

"Let's take a break," Hodgins said, talking over him like Wendell hadn't even said anything. "That can wait, right? It looks like it can wait."

He pulled Wendell away from the microscope and herded him toward the door, and okay, maybe breaking up in private was better than doing it in a lab where anyone -- where Angela -- could walk in, but he still wasn't in a hurry to actually do it.

"Jack, we're supposed to be working. If Dr. Brennan..."

"Relax," Hodgins interrupted, one hand on his arm to drag him through a door into what turned out to be a pretty small closet. A small, dark closet, and Wendell had never broken up inside a closet before, but considering the circumstances, it was bizarrely appropriate. He braced himself for the start of the 'it's not you, it's me' speech, but so far Hodgins wasn't saying anything. He was touching, though, hands on Wendell's cheeks and fingers running over his whiskers and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't suppress a shudder.

Hodgins laughed in the dark, breath warming Wendell's cheek and just before he leaned in, it dawned on Wendell what he had in mind. "Did you drag me into the supply closet to make out?"

"Isn't that why supply closets were invented?" Hodgins asked, breath warming Wendell's lips now, and when he leaned in Wendell felt the curve of Hodgins' smile against his mouth.

He couldn't believe he'd fallen for this after spending so long avoiding Hodgins' attempts to get him to fool around on the clock, but he was so relieved they weren't breaking up that he was kissing Hodgins before he realized what was happening. And once they started, it was a struggle to remember why he'd resisted for so long. The truth was he had been spending all his spare time cramming lately, and when he wasn't studying he was writing papers. That didn't leave him a lot of time to spend with Hodgins, which meant he'd really, really missed this.

Hodgins' fingers were still moving up and down the line of his jaw, sending shivers down his spine every time he pushed Wendell's whiskers in the wrong direction. The sensation went straight to his groin, and he knew if he didn't put a stop to this soon he was going to do something he'd probably regret. He'd regret it if they got caught, anyway, and with his luck, they were definitely going to get caught. "Jack..."

As soon as he pulled back to breathe Hodgins' name a cheek pressed up against his, Hodgins' own whiskers tickling his skin as he slid his cheek along Wendell's. It was...weird, but as long as they weren't breaking up, he was okay with exploring Hodgins' fetishes.

"Weird," Hodgins murmured, cheek sliding against Wendell's again. "But kind of nice."

"You do that much more and you're going to get beard burn," Wendell said, but he didn't try to pull away. In fact, he sort of liked the idea of Hodgins wearing the evidence of their relationship right out in the open where anyone could see. Except that then the whole lab would know what they'd been up to during work hours, and if anybody was going to get fired here, it wasn't going to be Hodgins.

"We can't do this," he said, working hard to sound like he meant it. He reached up and gripped Hodgins' shoulders, moving him back as far as he could in the tiny closet. "I'm serious, Jack. If somebody catches us..."

"I keep telling you, nobody's going to catch us. There aren't any cameras in here, I checked. And besides, they're not going to fire us. We're allowed breaks. It's in our contracts."

"It's in your contract. I don't even have a contract."

"Okay, okay," Hodgins said, and Wendell was sort of glad for once that he couldn't actually see Hodgins rolling his eyes. "But you owe me. Big time."

I take my last midterm at 4:00," Wendell said. "I can come over after, if you want."

"Oh, I want," Hodgins answered, and Wendell shivered all over again just from picturing the look on Hodgins' face. It was tempting to give in; he could stand to blow off a little steam before his last test, after all, and Hodgins was certainly willing. But it would be even better if they took their time, and if they waited until they were alone in Hodgins' house, Wendell would get to see every expression on his face.

Hodgins opened the closet door and Wendell squinted against the sudden change in light, glancing down the hall to make sure nobody was looking before he followed Hodgins into the hall. This time he did catch Hodgins' eye roll, but he ignored it and told himself it was worth a little caution to keep working at the Jeffersonian as long as he could.

"I can't believe you'll steal hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment from another department, but you won't fool around with your boyfriend on company time."

"I didn't steal it, I borrowed it. What?" Wendell said, his voice rising at the look Hodgins shot him. "I left a note."

Hodgins rolled his eyes again, but Wendell could tell he was trying not to smile. "'Left a note'. What are you, a Boy Scout?"

"Far from it," Wendell answered, grinning at Hodgins' profile. "Anyway, I've got an in with the guy who paid for that machine. I figured he'd put in a good word for me."

"Yeah, but he'd probably take it out in trade later."

"I sure as hell hope so."


So writing as an avoidance technique is still the best motivator ever. Good to know. I'm going to bed now, so no more ficspam tonight. I make no promises about tomorrow.

fic: bones, bones, fic

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