my horoscope said pack your bags

Mar 03, 2009 10:32

Some time over the last week I developed a twitch in my left eye. Fun times! All the regulars at the library probably think I'm winking at them. (For those of you who read in my diet journal about the new medication I'm on, it started before I started my prescription, so that's not the cause.) It's stress-related, I am 99.9% sure, and I am also pretty sure I know what's causing it. So it'll clear up, but in the meantime it is super annoying.

Other annoying things: I have not written anything since last week, because I cannot seem to settle the fuck down. This is a side effect of the new drug I'm on, so I guess I will just have to suck it up and deal. The nervous energy is kind of fun, but the lack of focus is a little frustrating. I am sure the class I'm teaching tonight will be a blast for my students, with me pinging off the walls the whole time. But it will keep me from spending the entire evening surfing for rental properties on the North Shore, so it's probably for the best. I think I have looked at every available cabin in the greater Duluth area in the past week. Ah, summer vacation. You are always worth it, I just keep reminding myself of that.

Do I have a point? I don't think I have a point. Here's a point:

I can't seem to write anything complicated, but maybe I can write in short, comment-sized bursts. Give me a pairing/prompt and I'll see what happens. Otherwise I am just going to be trolling vacation rentals and obsessing over the Deadliest AU that I'm not actually working on all day. I wish Deadliest Catch would hurry up and come back. I miss those idiots. Look at their stupid faces! Who wouldn't miss them?

Anyway, requests. I am not promising anything. As you can probably tell, I am pretty keyed up right now. But maybe it'll save duckduck's inbox for a day if I have something to occupy my time other than e-mailing her random crap. Requests are open until Friday, in case you're late to the party.

requests, memes

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