Title: (looking for) A new technique Fandom: Bones Pairing: Wendell/Hodgins Rating: NC17 Summary: Hodgins is a scientist, so he understands the value of experimentation.
I want to crawl inside this universe and never come out again. I can't take it, it's so perfect. Their daughter with her curls and the having her dads wrapped around her finger, and the adorable boys who are a menace and destroy everything in their wake with their boyness, but get away with it because they are the cutest things since their sister.
I would love to see Wendell try to stand up to ALL of them and the puppy eyes. Because you know Hodgins has it down already and they haven't even talked about kids yet. He got Wendell to take a picture of him with the evidence from the hockey player murder when they'd only been on one (accidental) date, after all. And Wendell still went out with him again, and I bet you a million dollars he's still got a copy of that photo shoved in the back of a drawer somewhere because he is a DORK.
Oh, the Christmas cards. I am in love enough with that concept to wish I was any good at photoshop, but it's probably just as well I'm not. And Wendell would hate the whole 'getting dressed up and having a photographer in for a formal sitting' bit, but he'd have to agree in the end that the pictures turned out really well. And he's got a nice-looking family, so there's no reason not to show them off. And they still go to his parents' house every Thanksgiving, but Christmas is all theirs, to spend at home with the kids or maybe to go away for a family trip.
And eventually they take a vacation without the kids, and they go back to Antigua since that's the place they first vacationed together, and they both spend the entire time worrying about how the kids are doing and calling Booth and Brennan way too often and not relaxing at all. Though there's still lots of old married couple sex, because they're not going to waste the entire trip, after all.
Yeah, I'm really going to bed now. But this is what I'm going to be thinking about.
Can I just say how much I love us for the fact that this thread is in response to a fic that is completely hot and yet the thread is making me say, "Aww... awww. PUPPY FACES!"? It is awesome. :)
I was thinking about the SAME thing with the picture. He probably emailed himself the jpg, and printed it out in case his computer ate it but never EVER EVER told Jack cause well. He saved a picture of him holding up dead fish. That isn't exactly romantic or anything. And it was you know... partially cause it was a cool case. Not cause his smile made Wendell all dorky and happy.
And his parents Thanksgivings are huge and completely fascinating to Hodgins, but he lives for the little Christmas' that have no one but them because he is used to that and he likes the feel of family it gives him. (Thanksgiving is more or less like watching a TV show about family to him, while Christmas is living in his own, you know?)
And I might or might not be looking up kids names in a book I totally don't own called "The Baby Name Wizard" cause I am a total dork like that. (I figure they go with classic type names, because Jack is traditional and Wendell just doesn't want his kids to have to grow up with a 'weird' name like his. Oh! And because Wendell goes to Hodgins, one of the boys gets the middle name Bray... maybe. Oh Lord, I am a dork.)
SLEEP WELL. <3 Sweet dreams! I am no where near sleep, and kind of buzzy with giddiness now. ;)
(Can't sleep. Considering calling in sick tomorrow because I think I am having some kind of weird nervous breakdown mostly related to money. This imaginary family we have created is making it pretty much all better, though.)
Yes! He downloaded the picture to his computer and set it as his background for, like, thirty seconds, but then he decided that was way too stalker-creepy so he just printed it instead and set it on his desk where he could see it all the time. And the first time Jack drops by to pick him up he has to shove it in a drawer because if Jack ever saw it he would DIE.
And then there are pictures of the two of them together, taken at work parties or hockey post-game events or whatever, and he can have those displayed legit, so he sort of forgets the one from that case until he's packing up to move into Jack's house. And he finds it and it makes his heart flutter a little, because he's pretty sure he fell in love while he was taking that picture. That's the moment that prompted him to ask Jack out, anyway, and it went so completely wrong, yet somehow ended up completely right.
Years later he will tell that story to his kids and they will laugh at what a goober he was, and they'll be right. Because he couldn't even get asking Jack out right, except that it's not so much that he did it wrong, but that Jack didn't realize at the time that dating a guy was an option for him. So really they're both goobers, but their kids already knew that.
Jack would guard their closed family Christmases so jealously, and it would cause friction with his mother-in-law at first, because she wants to see the kids and shower them with presents and she thinks he's just trying to keep her from them. But once Wendell explains to her what his childhood was like -- loving and warm, but privileged and lonely all the same -- and why he wants a special tradition just for their family, she understands. Well, she tries, anyway.
And really, the kids love it. One year they go to Disney for Christmas (and oh, the crowds, and they will never do it again in December) and they have a dorky Christmas picture for next year's card with all of them wearing mouse ears.
Definitely one of the kids has the middle name Bray. In fact, Jack suggests they give them both the same middle name, because they're not identical twins so they won't have identity issues like identicals would, but Wendell insists that they have completely separate identities, because he knows what having siblings is like even though he's not a twin, and he doesn't want to do anything to stifle them. He especially doesn't want to stick them with a name like Wendell.
Okay, here I go again to try to sleep. Though I am tempted to stay up and look through my own baby name book instead. Every writer should have one, whether they're planning to be a parent someday or not. Mine came from my sister; after she picked out her kids' names she passed it along for me to use when naming characters. It was pretty thoughtful of her, actually.
(I had a rather similar breakdown last night, but mine was slightly assuaged when my pay check went in this morning before the automatic pays went through so I didn't get any over draft charges. Sorry you are having to go through it though.)
And yes! My mom got me a baby naming book on my 10th birthday because she said all writers should have one. I still have it somewhere, even though I never really used it properly until much later and as such has a decade of characters named "Willow" and "Shya". (Dear lord.) This book was bought with actual baby naming in mind, because we have been fighting over names since well.. forever and it is a BRILLIANT book which breaks names down into "themes" or something... like the normal, "Jewish" "Irish" "Traditional" and "Unique" but also ones like, "Guys and Dolls" and "Nickname Proof". I am scouring the "New Classics" and "Timeless" as they seem to have the ones that most fit my mind.
What about Alexandra? Or Cassandra? Or Emily? Eve?
Emily would just make me picture Emily Deschanel, because I'm lame. I like Alexandra, because I think Alex is the cutest nickname ever. I really like Cassie too, though. And Hannah, if we're thinking super-traditional. Which I realize is very popular right now, but they would go and pick a popular name and then not care when there were seven other girls in the school with their kid's name.
Nathaniel and William! ::draws hearts around them:: Actually, I really like all those boys' names, but Nate and Billy are pretty cute.
That does sound like a great baby name book. I imagine if the library ever owned it, it's been stolen by now. All the best books are.
I LOVE ALEX AND CASSIE. No joke. One of Timm and my biggest name-bickers is that I love little girls with boyish nicknames and he thinks that that is silly... Beyond that we are going pathetic traditional. Like. Henry for a boy and Maeve for a girl traditional. (The twelve year old me who wanted to name her son Boston and her daughter Cheyenne is screaming somewhere.)
But yes, Alexandra, Nathaniel and William? Alex, Nate, and Billy (or Will, depending on who is talking about him.)
It is a great book, the woman is named Laura Wattenberg (what a last name) and it is has like twenty little post its sticking out the top, as I can't bring myself to fold the pages anymore because I am a geek. (Also side bonus: color coding, again, GEEK.)
Seriously. I am actually making a noise close to squeeing. I could blame lack of sleep, but I took a solid two hour nap this afternoon.
T'was quite alright, missed the school bus but dad took me in to school anyway.
Yes! Discussion thread!
I'm all for these names. I've always loved Alex as a girl's nickname and Nate and Will have always been favourites of mine. (I suppose he'd be Billy as a kid, and then maybe Will when he grows up, but to his dorky parents he'll always be their little Billy :) )
And ah! I can so immagine Hodgins seeing on the internet or in a catelogue or something, this family all dressed in matching jumpers (horrible ones at that, because christmas jumpers always are) and just DYING to have horrible Christmas jumpers for his own family, and then demanding Wendell learns to knit just for this purpose. (Over which they would have an old-married-couple argument over whether or not men should knit). And then finally, when they all have horrible matching jumpers (because Hodgins is so desperate to have a normal happy family with cheesy traditions that he never grew up with) he'll force them to wear them for the christmas card photo.
...I've gone off rambling a bit there. Never mind me.
Dude, I haven't watched this show since season 1, so I only know Wendell from Caroline's icon, and I still am all melty and awwww'ing and giddy with the adorableness.
I would love to see Wendell try to stand up to ALL of them and the puppy eyes. Because you know Hodgins has it down already and they haven't even talked about kids yet. He got Wendell to take a picture of him with the evidence from the hockey player murder when they'd only been on one (accidental) date, after all. And Wendell still went out with him again, and I bet you a million dollars he's still got a copy of that photo shoved in the back of a drawer somewhere because he is a DORK.
Oh, the Christmas cards. I am in love enough with that concept to wish I was any good at photoshop, but it's probably just as well I'm not. And Wendell would hate the whole 'getting dressed up and having a photographer in for a formal sitting' bit, but he'd have to agree in the end that the pictures turned out really well. And he's got a nice-looking family, so there's no reason not to show them off. And they still go to his parents' house every Thanksgiving, but Christmas is all theirs, to spend at home with the kids or maybe to go away for a family trip.
And eventually they take a vacation without the kids, and they go back to Antigua since that's the place they first vacationed together, and they both spend the entire time worrying about how the kids are doing and calling Booth and Brennan way too often and not relaxing at all. Though there's still lots of old married couple sex, because they're not going to waste the entire trip, after all.
Yeah, I'm really going to bed now. But this is what I'm going to be thinking about.
I was thinking about the SAME thing with the picture. He probably emailed himself the jpg, and printed it out in case his computer ate it but never EVER EVER told Jack cause well. He saved a picture of him holding up dead fish. That isn't exactly romantic or anything. And it was you know... partially cause it was a cool case. Not cause his smile made Wendell all dorky and happy.
And his parents Thanksgivings are huge and completely fascinating to Hodgins, but he lives for the little Christmas' that have no one but them because he is used to that and he likes the feel of family it gives him. (Thanksgiving is more or less like watching a TV show about family to him, while Christmas is living in his own, you know?)
And I might or might not be looking up kids names in a book I totally don't own called "The Baby Name Wizard" cause I am a total dork like that. (I figure they go with classic type names, because Jack is traditional and Wendell just doesn't want his kids to have to grow up with a 'weird' name like his. Oh! And because Wendell goes to Hodgins, one of the boys gets the middle name Bray... maybe. Oh Lord, I am a dork.)
SLEEP WELL. <3 Sweet dreams! I am no where near sleep, and kind of buzzy with giddiness now. ;)
Yes! He downloaded the picture to his computer and set it as his background for, like, thirty seconds, but then he decided that was way too stalker-creepy so he just printed it instead and set it on his desk where he could see it all the time. And the first time Jack drops by to pick him up he has to shove it in a drawer because if Jack ever saw it he would DIE.
And then there are pictures of the two of them together, taken at work parties or hockey post-game events or whatever, and he can have those displayed legit, so he sort of forgets the one from that case until he's packing up to move into Jack's house. And he finds it and it makes his heart flutter a little, because he's pretty sure he fell in love while he was taking that picture. That's the moment that prompted him to ask Jack out, anyway, and it went so completely wrong, yet somehow ended up completely right.
Years later he will tell that story to his kids and they will laugh at what a goober he was, and they'll be right. Because he couldn't even get asking Jack out right, except that it's not so much that he did it wrong, but that Jack didn't realize at the time that dating a guy was an option for him. So really they're both goobers, but their kids already knew that.
Jack would guard their closed family Christmases so jealously, and it would cause friction with his mother-in-law at first, because she wants to see the kids and shower them with presents and she thinks he's just trying to keep her from them. But once Wendell explains to her what his childhood was like -- loving and warm, but privileged and lonely all the same -- and why he wants a special tradition just for their family, she understands. Well, she tries, anyway.
And really, the kids love it. One year they go to Disney for Christmas (and oh, the crowds, and they will never do it again in December) and they have a dorky Christmas picture for next year's card with all of them wearing mouse ears.
Definitely one of the kids has the middle name Bray. In fact, Jack suggests they give them both the same middle name, because they're not identical twins so they won't have identity issues like identicals would, but Wendell insists that they have completely separate identities, because he knows what having siblings is like even though he's not a twin, and he doesn't want to do anything to stifle them. He especially doesn't want to stick them with a name like Wendell.
Okay, here I go again to try to sleep. Though I am tempted to stay up and look through my own baby name book instead. Every writer should have one, whether they're planning to be a parent someday or not. Mine came from my sister; after she picked out her kids' names she passed it along for me to use when naming characters. It was pretty thoughtful of her, actually.
And yes! My mom got me a baby naming book on my 10th birthday because she said all writers should have one. I still have it somewhere, even though I never really used it properly until much later and as such has a decade of characters named "Willow" and "Shya". (Dear lord.) This book was bought with actual baby naming in mind, because we have been fighting over names since well.. forever and it is a BRILLIANT book which breaks names down into "themes" or something... like the normal, "Jewish" "Irish" "Traditional" and "Unique" but also ones like, "Guys and Dolls" and "Nickname Proof". I am scouring the "New Classics" and "Timeless" as they seem to have the ones that most fit my mind.
What about Alexandra? Or Cassandra? Or Emily? Eve?
And Nathaniel? Or Joshua? Graham? William?
Nathaniel and William! ::draws hearts around them:: Actually, I really like all those boys' names, but Nate and Billy are pretty cute.
That does sound like a great baby name book. I imagine if the library ever owned it, it's been stolen by now. All the best books are.
But yes, Alexandra, Nathaniel and William? Alex, Nate, and Billy (or Will, depending on who is talking about him.)
It is a great book, the woman is named Laura Wattenberg (what a last name) and it is has like twenty little post its sticking out the top, as I can't bring myself to fold the pages anymore because I am a geek. (Also side bonus: color coding, again, GEEK.)
Seriously. I am actually making a noise close to squeeing. I could blame lack of sleep, but I took a solid two hour nap this afternoon.
Sorry you missing the bus, was the next one close in time at least?
Yes! Discussion thread!
I'm all for these names. I've always loved Alex as a girl's nickname and Nate and Will have always been favourites of mine. (I suppose he'd be Billy as a kid, and then maybe Will when he grows up, but to his dorky parents he'll always be their little Billy :) )
And ah! I can so immagine Hodgins seeing on the internet or in a catelogue or something, this family all dressed in matching jumpers (horrible ones at that, because christmas jumpers always are) and just DYING to have horrible Christmas jumpers for his own family, and then demanding Wendell learns to knit just for this purpose. (Over which they would have an old-married-couple argument over whether or not men should knit). And then finally, when they all have horrible matching jumpers (because Hodgins is so desperate to have a normal happy family with cheesy traditions that he never grew up with) he'll force them to wear them for the christmas card photo.
...I've gone off rambling a bit there. Never mind me.
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