Title: (looking for) A new technique Fandom: Bones Pairing: Wendell/Hodgins Rating: NC17 Summary: Hodgins is a scientist, so he understands the value of experimentation.
And I am so glad you do! The whole Angela thing did not please me, I am glad you are giving him someone so amusing. As for the plot bunnies, I am most pleased! *G*
Here's the article. I've only caught part of one ep so far, but it does look entertaining. Though I do still wish Christian Kane would do something about his gross hair.
people were raving about his hair and I was internally thinking, "um, ew" and keeping my opinions to myself! But then I do have unpopular opinions so I'll just carry on keeping those to myself!
PS: I just read on the flist that Leverage has been renewed. Congratulations to you!
And I am so glad you do! The whole Angela thing did not please me, I am glad you are giving him someone so amusing. As for the plot bunnies, I am most pleased! *G*
Ugh, Angela. I really hate her.
I have long mocked Christian Kane's hair. Even when it's short, it's still awful.
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