Things that happened this week:
+ I have already had to call Knology twice about internet connectivity problems. NOT COOL. My cable's working fine, though. In celebration I feel that SciFi should show some of their terrible made-for-TV horror movies. The good ones with ghosts and mutant sharks and stuff, though, not the shitty fantasy ones starring Stephen Baldwin that they've been playing this morning.
+ Purchased a plane ticket to Florida to visit my parents next month. Disney World FTW! And warm weather. Oh, I can't wait. Bonus: I can fly home for less than $100, as long as I don't check any bags or choose my seats ahead of time. That is really the best thing about living in Knoxville, TBH. Plus, I really need a break from work. That place is making me insane.
+ Case in point: my toxic coworker asked me if I wanted to see two separate movies with her yesterday. I said no to both, so she asked if there are any movies out right now that I want to see. Apparently she is desperate to get back on my good side? I told her no again. It was kind of funny, which is probably mean of me, but I don't care.
+ I went to my sister's house last night for Wiggles Dance Party, then wine drinking and Pineapple Express. Man, that movie is gayer than any 'straight' movie that wasn't directed by David Decoteau. I know they played it way, WAY up for comic effect and I should probably be offended by the latent homophobia, but I was laughing way too hard to care. James Franco FTW. Good Lord, that was a hilarious movie. ::does not seek out fic::
+ I cut my finger while slicing Brussels sprouts last night. It still hurts and it's making typing a bitch, but it was totally worth it. I am so obsessed with Brussels sprouts right now. I can't stop eating them!
I have absolutely nothing planned today except working out at some point and going to the grocery store for more Brussels sprouts. I should spend my time writing. We'll see how that goes.
And while I'm time wasting,
Pick up to 15 otp's. Describe them in 15 words or less. Others must guess the otp!
I agree that 'OTP' is a bit of a misnomer in this situation, but we all know what we mean, so whatever. Some of these I've written, some I haven't.
1. She was almost too late to see what was in front of her. He waited. Passions, Kay/Reese, guessed by
writingpathways 2. He doesn't need saving, and that's what makes their relationship work so well. CSI, Nick/Greg, guessed by
writingpathways 3. When everyone in town already thinks you're dating, chances are you're perfect for each other. Hot Fuzz, Danny/Nicholas, guessed by
ruggerdavey 4. They've known each other forever. They can get through anything, even felony kidnapping. Suicide Kings, Brett/Avery, guessed by
duckduck 5. It's true that opposites attract. They can even overcome murder and (im)practical magic. Brotherhood II, Harlan/Marcus, guessed by
ruggerdavey 6. He kept his heart closed for too long, but somehow the perfect guy got through. CSI: Miami, Speed/Tyler, guessed by
ruggerdavey 7. One of them is too self-conscious, and the other's too sure of himself. A perfect balance. Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid, guessed by
duckduck 8. She's too smart and he's too emotional, but they make a perfect team. Bones, Brennan/Booth, guessed by
writingpathways 9. Her family almost cost her true happiness, but he couldn't forget her.
10. He thought love was for suckers until he met the guy who saved his life. The Forsaken, Nick/Sean, guessed by
dancinbutterfly 11. They're both dedicated to the badge, and they've both been broken. They save each other. CSI, Brass/Sophia, guessed by
ruggerdavey 12. That's too much weight for any kid to carry. Luckily he's got a true friend. My Bodyguard, Ricky/Clifford, guessed by
writingpathways 13. His boyfriend is really hot. Sky High, Will/Warren, guessed by
olukemi 14. No matter how much weird stuff comes at them, they'll always have each other's back. BWOC, Tommy/Merton, guessed by
writingpathways 15. He understands him so much better now that he's nearly died once too. Touching Evil, Creegan/Rivers, guessed by