Title: Hard Times Don't Come Fandom: Suicide Kings Pairing: Brett/Avery Rating: PG Summary: Homecoming. Part of the Deadliest AUniverse created by duckduck and myself during our summer fangirl trip
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Dude. No one will ever make me an icon of Brett in an Elmer Fudd hat. People just don't do that sort of thing for me. I have a feeling it's my abrasive personality. Or my persecution complex. Or the fact that no one but you and me care about Brett and Avery in what is, let's face it, the ultimate cabin cliche AU crossover extravaganza.
Their True Love deserves better, it really does.
I think Avery is my favorite thing about this universe, and considering how whipped I generally am over Brett, that is saying a LOT. But who could not love the way he's clearly growing into himself and gaining confidence, becoming the person that Brett always saw, even when Avery didn't have the courage to realize it. And yeah, he needs Brett a little less these days, but he wants him all the more, so it's a trade-off that Brett can live with.
Or he will, if I ever get them to a point where there's making out. Man, this universe rocks so much more in my head than it does in the two measly fics that have been written.
You and I understand the subtle sophistication of Buffalo plaid.
Ha! Do you see? Do you see how hard it is to keep up a slow burn in this universe which you are totally not helping me write, you bitch? This new, improved, more confident Avery is not going to put up with that nonsense for long, I don't think. Luckily it is not the slowest burn ever.
Though Brett still has to fall off the roof yet, and then they have to fight about Avery going back out for Opi season. And tell Brett stories about the other guys in Bristol and the things they got up to during their sleep deprivation. Brett will think he's crazy for kind of enjoying it, of course. And then Avery will tell him about the sauna on the Time Bandit and Brett will have that visual stuck in his head and it'll torture him all night long.
Cheater! Though I suppose the way this universe will evolve is mostly through comment fic, because there's no point cluttering up my friends list with a universe that only you are I are sophisticated enough to appreciate ;)
Alas, that stopped working for me awhile ago. ::sad face::
I will keep my fingers crossed that work is painless today. Though you know where to find me if you need to vent. My inbox is open, as it were. I will be throwing myself a pity party in your absence, I guess. Or maybe I'll snap out of it and write some porn instead.
Their True Love deserves better, it really does.
I think Avery is my favorite thing about this universe, and considering how whipped I generally am over Brett, that is saying a LOT. But who could not love the way he's clearly growing into himself and gaining confidence, becoming the person that Brett always saw, even when Avery didn't have the courage to realize it. And yeah, he needs Brett a little less these days, but he wants him all the more, so it's a trade-off that Brett can live with.
Or he will, if I ever get them to a point where there's making out. Man, this universe rocks so much more in my head than it does in the two measly fics that have been written.
You and I understand the subtle sophistication of Buffalo plaid.
Ha! Class all the way, we are.
“Go back to bed, Avery,” he says instead, dropping his boots near the door and pulling on dry shoes. “And stay there for awhile this time.”
Avery smirks and says, "Make me," and then they make out. Of course that ruins the whole slow burn thing they have going. But still.
Though Brett still has to fall off the roof yet, and then they have to fight about Avery going back out for Opi season. And tell Brett stories about the other guys in Bristol and the things they got up to during their sleep deprivation. Brett will think he's crazy for kind of enjoying it, of course. And then Avery will tell him about the sauna on the Time Bandit and Brett will have that visual stuck in his head and it'll torture him all night long.
Oh, but I am! Don't you see what I did there? That's what I call helping! ;)
Going to work now. Expect radio silence, unless I have a nervous breakdown again. :(
I will keep my fingers crossed that work is painless today. Though you know where to find me if you need to vent. My inbox is open, as it were. I will be throwing myself a pity party in your absence, I guess. Or maybe I'll snap out of it and write some porn instead.
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