Yuletide Fics (my own this time): Three Flavors

Jan 01, 2009 13:20

It's the first day of the new year, and you know what that means. Yuletide author reveals! It also means I can claim my own stories, which I will post here for posterity. Two are fandoms I've written in before (Disneyslash, of course), and one is brand new to me. None of them are particularly earth-shattering, and I'm not even all that happy with the Treats I wrote, but I got some nice comments, and my assigned fic was well-received by my recipient (I was worried), so that's all I can ask for.

Anyway, fics:

First up, my assigned fandom, Saved!, which is a great movie that you may have seen. My recipient specifically requested a post-movie Dean-centric story, so that's what I wrote. The lovely duckduck and goddessdster both looked it over for me, but in the end, of course, it is my fault it isn't better. Still, it was kind of fun to write about a character that's ignored in so much of the (very, very, extremely small) fandom. You know me and peripheral characters.

The Circle Game, Saved!, Dean, PG. After prom and fatherhood, Dean tries to make his own way.

And the other two are Newsies and Sky High, written during my long, quiet Christmas Eve shift at the library. They're essentially the same story, if I stop to think about it, just told in completely different ways. Still, I think it's embarrassingly obvious that I wrote these. Totally my style, totally predictable.

Vicissitudes, Newsies, Jack/David, PG. Jack knows things change, but he doesn't have to like it.

Around Corners, Sky High, Will/Warren, PG. Strongholds aren't supposed to be afraid of anything.

(On a not-completely-unrelated note, I celebrated the new year at my sister's house last night, during which my nephew made us all watch the copy of The Dark Knight he got for his birthday. I'm not a big fan of comic book movies in general (Hellboy being the exception), so I spent the entire movie thinking about Jack Kelly and how much he's grown. It made Christian's complete lack of chemistry with Maggie Gyllenhaal so much easier to watch.)

PS: The New Year's Resolution Challenge is officially open at the Yuletide archive now. It runs until Yuletide 2009 gets going sometime in October, I guess? So if you find yourself looking for inspiration for a fic, keep that in mind. You can always go hunt for a request in a rare fandom to get the creativity flowing, and gift someone with a fic at the same time.

I wrote a couple a few years back. One of them was, until very recently, the only fic I'd ever written that no one had ever read (including the person it was written for, who was on my friends list at the time, not that I'm bitter or anything). The other was a DMOC fic that I'd completely forgotten I wrote for Yuletide. So good things can come from making Resolutions after all!

newsies, fic, sky high, fic: newsies, fic: sky high, fic: saved, yuletide, disneyslash

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