I thought about using this post to solicit ficlet requests, but then I came to my senses.

Nov 19, 2008 10:11

Actual conversation between a coworker and myself:

Coworker: Do you ever have a crush on an actor you don't know, then you look him up and discover that he's like four years younger than you and get a little grossed out?

Me: I am entrenched in fandom. I gross myself out on a regular basis.


Yesterday during my lunch break I sat down with my handy dandy notebook and made some notes about my Nano project in an effort to get myself back on track. During that time I discovered that the fundamental flaw lies in my story structure. Depressing! But at least I know what the problem is now. Not that I'm working on it.

Instead, I am going through LJ entries from 2004 and tagging/unlocking the fic in an effort to make more fic available on the web again. I just found this in a comment I wrote the day after the 2004 election:

It's just hard to say if we're ready for a woman. A black president will probably come first, and I must confess I have my heart set on Barack Obama.

True story! I win.


Also found in a post from 2004:

...when Nick's talking to Grissom, he says Greg's name. I don't know why that sends me every time, but it totally does. I just…I like to hear Nick say his name.

Which probably explains why I've been writing CSI fic again lately. It's the nostalgia talking, that's all. But that does not do anything to change the fact that I know what happens in the next part of the pancake series. So much for clearing room in my head for more important writing projects!

Ah, memories. Other things I have learned from my trip down memory lane: I failed even harder at Nano the last time I attempted it! I can't decide if that's comforting or just tragic.


David Cook crashes Stephen Colbert's guest spot on The Early Show. Oh, David. ♥ I still love you, bb.


Hey LJ, I don't care what you do with the user info page, as long as my icons stop randomly disappearing and being replaced by other people's. This is the third time, and it does not right itself eventually. I always have to fix it, and it's always ancient icons that take forever to find on my hard drive.

This Jim Halpert icon I am currently sporting is pretty adorkable, don't get me wrong. But it is not my David Cook/Michael Jones slashy icon, and that IS NOT COOL WITH ME. I pay for those extra icons, I would like if they would stay put. Kthxbai.

Edit: And now, just to be douche-y and prove me wrong, my David Cook getting sexxed up by Michael Johns icon is back. Damn you, Livejournal. I wish I knew how to quit you.
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