BWOC Fic: Silk II (Tommy/Merton, NC17)

Mar 01, 2008 21:41

Title: Silk II
Fandom: BWOC
Pairing: Tommy/Merton
Rating: NC17

When I decided to finally come clean with Merton I never expected it to turn out half as well as it did. I mean considering the dreams he was having about me I figured things would go okay, but I never expected him to tell me he loved me. Yeah, okay, so we’re best friends, that probably implies some kind of affection. Love, though - I guess I just didn’t expect to get everything I ever wanted handed to me all wrapped up in black silk.

His pajamas are trashed; he’s still kind of pissed about that.

I feel bad about it; they were probably pretty expensive and now there’s this weird spot right at the front of the pants that he can’t get out no matter what he tries. Whenever he thinks about it he makes some crack under his breath about my mouth and self-control, but I just remind him he wasn’t complaining at the time. Besides, what do I know about silk? I didn’t know you could ruin it just by getting it wet. And anyway it was already wet when I got there, which technically I guess is my fault too but he’s usually too busy blushing to remember all the details.

Which is another thing I’m just now learning about Merton; who knew it was so easy to embarrass him? All I have to do is smile at him a certain way and he lights up like a Christmas tree, which is really cute if you ask me but I think it just embarrasses him even more. He’s always had this thing about what he calls his ‘thin skin’, but I never paid attention to the reason why before. Watching him blush is one of my favorite things to do, though, so I’m not complaining.

So I don’t really mind when he complains about how I ruined his silk pajamas, because I know he doesn’t really mean it. Besides, it’s not like he can’t still wear them. They’ve just got a little…reminder, I guess you could say, of our first time. Personally I think we should put them in a box and keep them forever. Not exactly the kind of thing you'd show kids someday, but it's not like we can actually have any. Maybe he’d laugh at me if he heard me say that, but I know I want to be with him forever. Yeah, we’re young and we have our whole lives ahead of us, but who better to spend it with than my best friend? He knows all my secrets, and he knows how to deal with the whole wolf thing better than even I do. There’s no question I’m always gonna want him in my life, and there’s no way we’re going back to just friends after some of the stuff we’ve done.

Maybe some guys can be friends after they break up, but with Merton I don’t think I could do that. For one thing I can’t imagine ever actually wanting to break up with him, and if for some reason he decided he didn’t want me around anymore I know I’d spend all my time trying to think of ways to get him back. So eventually he’d get sick of me and then we wouldn’t be friends anymore anyway. I don’t like to think about that, though, because I can’t even remember what my life was like before I met Merton. Yeah, sometimes I resented having to split my time between football and demon hunting and I probably took it out on him. He could have told me to go to hell, that he didn’t need the hassle and I could go see a vet when I had some weird wolf problem. I would have deserved it, too, but he never did.

He’s always doing little things for me, like taking care of me when I’m sick or making sure I get my homework done before I let myself get distracted. Of course that might have something to do with the way I usually try to distract us both, but even before we started sleeping together he was looking out for me. So I’m not really that surprised to find him doing something else for me when I let myself into our room, but when he looks over at me and grins I know whatever he’s doing is a pretty big deal. I’m not sure why he looks so excited; it looks like he’s just changing the sheets on my bed. Maybe it’s ‘our’ bed now, I’m not sure. Seems like we sleep there more often than in his, anyway.

“There you are,” he says as soon as I shut the door. “I got you something. You’re gonna love these.”

I can’t help smiling; he’s grinning at me like he just handed me the keys to a Porsche or something, and so far the only thing I can think is he’s talking about the sheets. “You got me sheets?”

“No just any sheets,” he says, rolling his eyes the way he does when I’m not paying enough attention to whatever he’s babbling about. “Just take your clothes off and get over here.”

I choke back the impulse to ask him to repeat himself, just because I’m afraid if I do he might change his mind. Merton’s the responsible one out of the two of us, after all, which isn’t saying much but he tries to keep us on track school-wise. Which usually means no fooling around until he’s got all his homework done, because it’s practically impossible for him to focus on anything school-related after we have sex. And believe me, we’ve tried. So instead of asking him if he’s okay I drop my backpack on the floor and reach for the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head. I drop it on the floor and reach for the zipper on my jeans, kicking off my shoes and almost falling over in the process. The whole time he’s just standing there watching me, this little smile on his face like he knows some joke he’s not sharing.

Once I’m down to my boxers I start to feel a little self-conscious, so I take a few steps toward him and open my mouth to ask him what this is all about. Sometimes I wonder if Merton thinks these things up just to see if he can get me to do them, to tell you the truth. I mean I’ve done some stuff most guys wouldn’t even consider in the name of friendship, and even though I like where this is going so far I’d like to know why he’s still completely dressed.

“Those too,” he says before I even ask the question, glancing down at my boxers and then back up at me.

“Merton, what are you…?”

“Just trust me.”

I roll my eyes but do what he says, dropping my boxers on the floor and straightening up in time to watch his pupils dilate a little. I start moving toward him again but when I get to the edge of the bed he reaches down and folds the sheets back. “Try them,” he says, gesturing toward the bed. I let out a sigh but reach for the top sheet to pull it back even more, and as soon as my hand makes contact with the material I’m not wondering why I’m naked and being sent to bed at 4:00 in the afternoon. I’m not thinking about why Merton’s still wearing all his clothes or why he made me strip the second I walked in the room; all I’m thinking about is how soft the material between my fingers feels. It’s a little different from Merton’s pajamas, not the same kind of soft but there’s a lot more of it.

“Oh…wow,” I hear myself say when I stretch out between the sheets and let the material brush my skin. I started getting hard when he told me to take off my clothes, so even though I should really be embarrassed about my instant reaction to the feeling of silk against me I figure I have an excuse. Besides, he must have known how I was gonna react when he bought them, so I doubt he’ll mind. And at least this means he’s probably over the whole thing with his pajamas.

“Merton, these are incredible,” I say without bothering to look up at him. I’m not even really talking to him so much as to myself, or maybe even to the sheets. I have to resist the urge to rub against them, although I’m not even sure why I’m resisting. “They’re gonna be wrecked in no time.”

I finally look up at him, pushing myself up on one elbow and running my hand across the fabric while I wait for him to say something. It’s kind of weird, lying there with nothing on while he just watches me, but it’s Merton so I don’t really mind. Sometimes weird just goes with the territory, and it keeps things interesting at least.

“There are different kinds of silk,” he says, sitting down on the edge of the bed and running his hand over the top of the sheet. He's not touching me on purpose, but I can't tell if it's because he doesn’t want to start something now or if he's just trying to tease me. It better be the teasing thing, because you don't just tell a guy to take off all his clothes and get in bed without doing anything about it. He watches his hand move across the top of the sheet for awhile, then he finally looks back up at me again. "This kind is washable."

I don't even want to know why he knows so much about silk; all I really want is for him to try out our new sheets with me. Preferably in a lot less clothes than he's wearing right now. "These are really nice, Merton," I say, folding the top sheet back a little so I can sit up. They are nice, too - they're a deep red, not too girlie. They've got this pattern running through them in black and gold, and they look way too nice for our dorm room. Not that I'm about to tell him that. He can redecorate all he wants as far as I'm concerned. "You gonna try them out with me?"

"I already know what they feel like. I had silk sheets on my bed at home."

I grit my teeth so I won't growl at him; whenever I do that it always makes him laugh, and then he makes fun of me for days about how impatient I am. "Merton?"

"Tommy." He's trying to keep a straight face, but it 's obvious from the color his face is turning that he 's holding in laughter. So he wants to torture me; I can live with that. I guess I kind of deserve it for the way I tortured him before I jumped him the first time.

"Just take off your clothes and get in here."

That does make him laugh, but he stands up and pulls his shirt over his head anyway. The thing about Merton is he's pretty self-conscious about how he looks; I'm not sure why, I mean I think he looks great but for some reason he gets uncomfortable if I look at him for too long. So I know how he probably feels about me sitting here watching him take off his clothes, and I figure if I distract him he won't think about it so much. I kneel on the mattress and reach out to grab one of the belt loops on his pants, pulling him forward and wrapping my arms around him. I miss all that cool silk already, but Merton's chest is warm against mine and when he leans down to kiss me I forget all about the sheets.

He stops laughing when I unbutton his pants, letting out a little moan when I push them off and pull him onto the mattress with me. As soon as my back hits the mattress I remember about the sheets, pulling him on top of me and letting his weight push me down into all that soft material. I guess he's right and I do have some weird thing for the stuff, but I can't help it. It feels amazing against my skin, and I might never get out of bed again but I don't think that's such a bad thing. If I could find a way to convince Merton to stay in bed with me it definitely wouldn't be bad.

When we started sleeping together I didn't have much of a clue what I was doing; I knew which fantasies turned me on the most, and I knew basically how things worked between two guys. Merton, though…he'd done actual research on the subject, read up on it and learned the technical stuff I never would have thought of. I guess I should be grateful, because it made things a lot easier in the beginning, and it's definitely made the practical experience part a lot more fun. He keeps coming up with new stuff, too, stuff he finds on the internet or in books he orders off the internet. I keep trying to convince him to order some videos but so far he hasn't gone for it. He did order these sheets, though, so maybe he's got another surprise for me.

I'm not worried about that right now; what I'm interested in is getting Merton's boxers out of the way without pulling my mouth off of his. I slide my hands between us and push the fabric down his hips, reaching between us to close my fist around his dick. He groans and gets harder in my hand, pulling away long enough to get his boxers off. I take the opportunity to fumble around on the shelf next to the bed for the bottle of lube I'm sure I left there, finally finding it and pressing it into his hand as he leans forward to kiss me again.

The first time I asked him to do this I think it surprised him that I wanted it, but that's another thing about Merton that makes me crazy about him. He's always willing to go along with pretty much whatever I want, at least as long as it's not stupid or dangerous. I don't know exactly why he thought I wouldn't want him to fuck me; maybe I'll even remember to ask him one of these days, but usually the only time I think of it is when my mouth is busy doing something more important than talking. Like I said, it's lucky for me he knew at least in theory what he was doing because I had no idea there was so much preparation involved in having sex. Not that I'm complaining; sometimes Merton's attention to detail is annoying, but when it comes to sex I definitely appreciate it.

So he knew all about lube and positions and how to make sure our first time was as pain-free as possible, but even if he hadn't we would have figured it out. Still, his weird obsession with research definitely made things easier, and now when he slides one slick finger inside me I practically come just from the anticipation. The silk provides a good distraction, though, so I focus on the way it feels against my back until I get myself back under control. He can tell I'm close already, so he waits until my breathing evens out again before he starts moving his finger. One of these days I might just tell him I don't really need all the prep work, but it feels good and it's always over too fast so I haven't told him yet. Maybe once we figure out a way to make it last longer. I'm pretty sure I read some stuff about that once, and if anybody can find the answer to that problem it's Merton.

He works a second finger in and I open my eyes to look at him, watching him watch his fingers sliding in and out of me. His lips are parted and I can tell from the way his eyes are getting dark that he's beyond ready, so I wait until he slides his fingers back in and then clamp down on them to get his attention. "Now," I say, my voice rough. My skin's tingling the same way it does right before I wolf out, but this time it's from the way he's looking at me. Although if I did wolf out while we were doing this I don't even think he'd mind; he might make fun of me about it later, but I know at least part of him would think it was kind of hot.

He pulls his fingers out and reaches above me, grabbing a pillow before he leans over and presses his lips to mine again. "Turn over," he says when he pulls away again, pushing the pillow under my hips as I roll onto my stomach.

Now me, I've never been self-conscious about taking off my clothes in front of other people. I've played so many sports and been in so many locker rooms that it just never seemed like a big deal to me, although I had a close call or two in high school. Once I figured out that I was a little more interested in checking out the other guys than I was supposed to be I had to be a lot more careful, but I always had to be careful because of the wolf so it was nothing new. Being spread out on my stomach with my best friend kneeling between my legs is a little different than stripping in a locker room, but it's Merton so it doesn't really bother me. Besides, the pillow he's using to push my hips up is covered in a silk pillowcase, and I finally know what it feels like rubbing against my dick.

It's soft, but there's not quite enough friction to make me come. I'm glad for once, because I'm not sure I'd last more than a few strokes if there was. It's a close call anyway when I finally feel the head of Merton's cock pressing against me, and as soon as he slides in I have to bite down hard on my bottom lip to keep from losing it. Somehow I manage not to come, and when he pulls out and pushes back in I thrust back to meet him. I imagined this plenty of times before I finally did something about my crush on my best friend, but my imagination never lived up to the reality of having Merton inside me. There's no good way for me to describe it; maybe Merton could, he's always been good with words. All I know is I'm never gonna get enough of him and I just hope he doesn't get sick of me.

His thrusts get a little more wild each time, and I try to encourage him to move faster by pushing back hard against him. I pick up the change in his breathing when he starts thrusting harder, the sound of his breathing punctuated by a grunt with each stroke. It takes me awhile to figure out that I'm the one doing the grunting, but it feels way too good to do anything but focus all my energy on keeping up with him. Even his hands gripping my shoulders feel good, even though I know I'm gonna have a set of finger-shaped bruises in the morning. It's just another sign that I can make him lose complete control, something that's almost impossible to get Merton to do. Most people think he's a little out of control all the time, but he always knows what he's doing. Making him lose control enough to forget that he might be a little too rough is my main goal in life now.

And to think I wasted all those years on football.

He's moving even faster now, and even though I can't see him I know his face is red from exertion. I've watched him come enough times to know when he's close to losing it, but no matter how out of control he gets he never forgets about me. Even now when he's so close I can practically feel it he reaches under me, pulling me off the pillow enough to close his fist around my dick again. He barely has to do more than touch me before I lose it, and I let out a low moan as I come all over his hand and the pillow. He thrusts hard one more time before he lets go, his whole body tensing for a minute before he collapses against my back.

I work up enough energy to pull the pillow out from under me before I stretch out on the cool silk, careful not to move too fast and accidentally push him off me. He slips out of me but stretches out on top of me, pressing a kiss to my shoulder before he closes his eyes and focuses on catching his breath. It's hard for me to catch my breath when I'm draped in my best friend, but in a way this is the best part so there's no way I'd give it up. We just stay that way for a long time; I'm not sure how long but when he finally rolls off me my stomach growls so I know it's close to dinner time.

"So I guess you like your present," he says, giving me this sleepy, sated smile that means he's not getting anything else done for the rest of the night. Making him lose control is one of my favorite things to do, but it pretty much zaps all his energy so I try not to jump him too early in the day.

"Yeah, thanks," I answer, leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead. When I pull back I push a few strands of dark hair off his forehead and grin. "You really had silk sheets in high school and you never told me how great they felt?"

"Well for one thing I never had sex on them," he says. He rolls his eyes at me and his cheeks get a little pink, almost like he's embarrassed that he never had sex in the Lair. It's not like I was getting any action in high school either, although if I hadn't been such a coward back then I guess we both could have learned about the pleasures of silk sheets a long time ago. "And it wasn't like my sheets were exactly a major topic of conversation in the cafeteria."

"Good point," I say absently, letting out a heavy sigh as I try to decide whether I'm hungry enough to get out of bed long enough to eat dinner. As soon as he mentions the cafeteria my stomach wins out, though, and I push myself up on my elbows and lean over for another kiss. "I'm gonna take a shower, then we should go get some dinner."

"Too tired," he mutters, burying his face in the pillow like a little kid. I just smile and shake my head, pushing myself off the mattress and digging in the laundry basket for a towel that will pass for clean. He'll probably be asleep when I get back, but I can usually get him to wake up long enough to eat something. If I get enough sugar in him he usually has enough energy for a repeat performance, and since we won't be getting any homework done tonight we might as well make use of the new sheets.

bwoc, fic: bwoc, series: silk, fic

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