Fic (DMOC, Josh/Cooper, PG)

Dec 23, 2007 16:33

This is the last kidfic warning, though it's not so much an actual kid as just a mention of one this time. Fandom=Dead Man on Campus, Pairing=Josh/Cooper. Part of the Bellsverse.


Josh was a busy guy. Not busy like Cooper - he wasn’t trying to run a whole corporation or anything - but his job was pretty hectic, and when he got home there was always something to take care of. He didn’t know how much work having a kid would be until Jeremy came along; he knew how much work the kids at his job took, sure, but he’d always figured that compared to them, one kid would be pretty easy.

There were schedules, though, play dates and preschool and never-ending piles of laundry. There was grocery shopping and balanced nutrition and somehow he’d turned into Mr. Mom while he wasn’t looking.

It wasn’t like Cooper didn’t help. He just wasn’t as good as Josh at keeping track of chores and the names of teachers and which week was their turn to drive the carpool. At work Cooper had secretaries to keep him organized and make sure he showed up at meetings on time, to make travel arrangements and if Josh let him, he’d probably try to con them into keeping track of their kid’s social calendar too. But that was what being a family was all about, and Josh didn’t mind. It was just that he was too busy making sure they had juice boxes to notice how crowded things had gotten.

He didn’t even think about why the condo suddenly felt a lot smaller until the day Cooper slid a section of the Sunday paper across the breakfast table, tapping a finger on a picture in the middle of the page. “This one looks promising.”

Josh glanced down to find himself looking at the real estate section; specifically, an ad for a four-bedroom Colonial halfway across town. “Since when are we buying a house?”

“Come on, Josh, we talked about this last night,” Cooper answered, rolling his eyes when Josh just stared at him blankly. “I said I was tired of tripping over toys and you said Jer’s outgrowing the spare room already.”

“And somehow that translated into ‘let’s buy a house’?”

“We need the space,” Cooper answered. “The profit on this place should take care of a down payment, and a family home is an even better investment than a two-bedroom condo.”

“Okay, but do we really need this much space?”

Cooper shrugged and took the real estate section back, scanning the ads while he answered. “We might need it someday. I mean, if we decided to have another kid…”

They’d talked about that before too, but always in a vague, ‘someday in the distant future’ way. Jeremy had just sort of appeared in their lives; they’d had his sister’s whole pregnancy to get used to the idea of adopting a kid, sure, but it wasn’t like they’d specifically planned it. Planning for another kid - even the prospect of another kid - felt a lot more grown-up even than carpool.

“Are we thinking about having another kid?”

“I don’t know. Might be kind of fun.”

Cooper grinned when he said it, and Josh had the sneaking suspicion he was getting suckered into something. Something big, but he was pretty sure he didn’t really mind this time. “Yeah, I guess it might.”

“Great. So there’s an open house this afternoon, we should go check this place out,” Cooper said, circling the ad in question. A minute later he circled another one, and just like that they were house shopping. Josh had a feeling it would take a little longer than one Sunday afternoon to find the perfect place, but once they did he was planning on having a serious conversation with Cooper about that whole kid thing.


Song of the Day: Jethro Tull -- Ring Out Solstice Bells

dmoc, fic: dmoc, advent calendar, fic, series: bells, music

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