Fic: (Sky High, Will/Warren, NC17)

Dec 04, 2007 07:18

Hanukkah begins tonight, and to celebrate I give you two songs about the Festival of Lights, and a porny fic. I'd appreciate if no one turned me in to the Russians. Kthx.

The fandom of the day is Sky High. Will/Warren, natch. The idea came from starmack, who responded to my desperate plea for prompts with the idea of someone trying to sneak into a room quietly and failing. Or something like that. Anyway, there's porn.


Stumbling around in the dark hadn’t really been part of the plan. Staying out this late hadn’t really either, because he had class tomorrow and so did Warren. But it was hard to say no to his mom when she got on one of her guilt trips, and when Will finally made it back to the apartment Warren had already gone to bed.

Will didn’t want to wake him, but it turned out to be really dark in their apartment at night. Usually Will thought he’d gotten a pretty good deal where superpowers were concerned, but tonight he sort of understood the appeal of Ethan’s glowing routine. Even Layla could probably summon some kind of plant that glowed in the dark, but Will was stuck cracking his shin on the bedpost.

He swallowed a yelp and clutched his leg, trying to remember through the pain how many more obstacles there were between the bed and the bathroom. He’d almost worked up the courage to move when a light came on, soft at first and then flickering a little brighter. His shoulders slumped and he turned to find Warren watching him, chest bare and a fireball glowing in his hand.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying not to wake you,” Will answered, and even he could hear how dumb that sounded now.

“You’re doing an awesome job,” Warren said, but he didn’t really sound mad. Instead he sounded sort of amused, voice even lower with sleep and Will was a healthy college-age guy, so he wasn’t surprised when the sound went straight to his dick.

“Sorry,” he said as he finally made his way to the bathroom, flipping the light on so he could brush his teeth. “I wasn’t planning to stay out so late.”

Warren made a noncomittal noise that translated into something pretty close to ‘mama’s boy’. And yeah, it was a little insulting, but it was also a little true, and Warren loved him anyway, so Will didn’t care.

He brushed his teeth and turned off the bathroom light, expecting to have to pick his way back to the bed in the dark. But Warren’s light was still flickering softly, and Will could feel the burn of those eyes on him as he pulled off his shirt and then kicked his jeans off.

It wasn’t until he’d slid safely under the covers that Warren let the light fade out, and when he reached for Will his hand was a little warmer than usual. Will hissed at the contact and pulled Warren closer, hands sliding around his back to trace restless patterns on his shoulder blades. And he’d been planning to come home and get some sleep, but he liked Warren’s plan a lot better.

Will shuddered and arched up when Warren bit down on his earlobe, and when Warren laughed against his skin Will’s fingers flexed against his back. “Still sorry you woke me?”

“No,” Will answered, burying one hand in Warren’s hair to pull him down for a kiss. They’d probably both be sorry in the morning, but he wasn’t going to think about that right now. At the moment all he really wanted to think about were Warren’s hands, strong and hot and pushing his underwear down his hips. And Warren’s mouth, leaving a hot trail of kisses along his neck. Warren’s knee, pushing his legs apart as soon as he got Will naked, and then those fingers again…oh God, right there.

Will gasped and arched up again, earning himself another low chuckle, but he’d gotten used to Warren laughing at him a long time ago. He’d come to terms with exactly how easy he was, too, at least when it came to Warren. But it was worth it; it was worth cracking his shin against the bedpost, and it was even worth four hours of listening to his mom relive the greatest hits of his childhood every time he went over for dinner.

The fingers inside him twisted and Will moaned, fighting the urge to clamp down too hard and ruin the moment. And that was the part about super strength that kind of sucked, because if he wasn’t careful it was a real mood killer. Then again, his boyfriend could set them both on fire if he lost control, so neither of them was perfect. Which just made it better, in a way, more focused and more intense and if Warren didn’t fuck him soon Will was going to die.

“Warren,” he whispered, tone low like a warning and Warren had heard it enough to know exactly what it meant. He pulled away and Will sighed at the loss of all that heat, but before he could complain Warren was back, pushing him onto his side and pressing one thigh toward his chest and sliding slowly, slowly inside.

And that was perfect, exactly what he always needed but definitely hadn’t been thinking about while he was sitting in his parents’ living room. He pushed back into each thrust until they were both moving fast, the fingers on his thigh burning into his skin and Warren’s breath hot against the back of his neck. A thousand different thoughts raced through his brain, things like more and faster and I love you, but all he managed was a steady, incoherent murmur.

His own hand was wrapped around his cock, stroking harder and harder until he came with a gasp, fingers coated in wet heat and his heart pounding so hard he couldn’t hear anything but the rush of his own blood. When Warren pushed on his hip Will let himself be rolled over, panting into Warren’s pillow as he pressed his chest against Will’s back and gripped his hips. Will could tell how close he was, pushed back with what little strength he had left until finally Warren thrust one last time and came.

He collapsed next to Will in a hot, sweaty heap, long hair stuck to his forehead and his chest heaving with the effort to catch his breath. In a few hours the sky would start to get lighter and way too soon their alarm would go off, but for right now, nothing existed except the two of them. Will reached out and caught Warren’s hand, fingers lacing together automatically and he smiled when Warren let out a breathless chuckle.

“I’m glad you’re home.”

“Me too,” Will said, his eyes fluttering closed as he listened to Warren’s breathing begin to even out. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.


And now a word about today's songs:

There aren't that many good Hanukkah songs, really, but last year a klezmer group called The Klezmatics decided to remedy that. Way back in the 1940s, pioneering folk singer Woody Guthrie was living in Brooklyn, across the street from his mother-in-law, who happened to be a Yiddish poet. Woody Guthrie set many of his mother-in-law's poems to music, including a number of her Hanukkah poems. When Woody's daughter Nora found out about her father's lost Jewish songs, she enlisted the help of The Klezmatics to record them. The Hanukkah songs are all available on Woody Guthrie's Happy Joyous Hanukkah, released just last year, and I am posting one of them for you today.

And since one Hanukkah song is clearly not enough, I give you Latkelicious, the internet sensation written and performed by Jon Fursh. It was inspired by Fergalicious, only with way more awesome. I've never had a latke, but this song makes me want to get some.

The Klezmatics -- Hanukkah Tree
Jon Fursh -- Latkelicious

Happy Hanukkah, y'all.

fic: sky high, advent calendar, fic, sky high, music

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