Fic: nothing says 'I love you' (like blackmail) [Newsies, Spot/Racetrack, PG]

Jun 26, 2012 08:19

Title: nothing says 'I love you' (like blackmail)
Fandom: Newsies
Pairing: Spot/Racetrack
Rating: PG
Word count: 3175
Summary: In which Racetrack comes up with a plan to ensure Brooklyn will back them in the strike. It's not exactly foolproof.
A/N: Written for the 'extortion' square on my h/c bingo card. I am hoping this counts. My internet at home is still down, so this is unbetaed and also posted at a very bizarre time of day for fic posting, but it's another one of those fandoms no one cares about, so again, it doesn't matter. I'm always wanted to write Spot/Racetrack fic, though, so there's that.

( Racetrack knows Jack’s been to see Spot and his boys already. )

Link still takes you to AO3.

newsies, h/c bingo, fic: newsies, bingo, fic

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