I don't even know why I watch this show.

Mar 01, 2012 21:07

I hate myself a little for kind of wanting some goofy, ridiculous Philip Phillips/Heejun fic. I don't think either of them necessarily has the chops to be in a singing competition, mind, but I can't say I'm sorry the tweens of the U.S. voted them through.

I blame Phil Squared for reminding me of a short, shy Cory Monteith. It's the hair. Also the henley.

Unrelated to the above, I love how excited Ryan gets about Jermaine and his size. It's super adorable.

Ryan Seacrest, I love your stupid, adorable face almost as much as I love Cory Monteith's stupid, adorable face. You get more charming every season and I don't even know how. Never change.

Oh, right, THAT'S why I watch. <3

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