My entire department has called in sick two days in a row. On timesheet week, of course. I've decided to take it personally and blow off work* to spend the day planning even more obsessively for my New York trip. Which doesn't happen until May. Shut up.
This morning I discovered, completely by accident, that when we go to New York to see Newsies on Broadway, we will be seeing not only Evan and Alex from SYTYCD, but Jess. That's right,
Jess LeProtto, aka He About Whom I Have Written Inappropriate RPS, will be there. OMG SO EXCITE. Just when I thought this trip couldn't get any better!
Do you know what I've been enjoying lately?
Ink Master. Who in their right mind would take a chance at getting a bad tattoo, even if it's free? You kind of deserve it at that point. It's such a fun show, though. And it really makes me want to get my next one RIGHT NOW. Except that I'm kind of cash poor at the moment because I have to pay off Newsies tickets, so I can't.
Also enjoyable:
Face Off**. I know I watch too much reality TV. But I love it, so I don't care.
* Not really. Those two idiots left me with a ton of stuff that has to get done today.
** The best part of Face Off is that it's hosted by Sheridan from Passions. Fannish full circle!