Title: Gaily We Promenade (2/4)
Author: Caroline-Shea
Rating: PG-13 (this part) for language, brief sexual imagery
Word Count: ~7,000 this chapter; ~13,500 total so far (And we haven't even gotten to the blasted prom yet. *sobs* Whyyy?)
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine; various canon pairings
Summary: Kurt fights for the right to take Blaine to the prom
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Comments 95
This chapter knocked it out of the park for me. I wanted to leap to my feet and cheer. You wrote a very Glee, very fantasy moment in a way that was truthful and honored the real issue. It was _fun_. And good.
Thank you.
And I'm SO glad you're giving the fandom a chance - the issues you brought up definitely do exist, but on the whole I think the K/B Comm is awesome. It's fun, welcoming, friendly, remarkably wank-free considering its size, and - though it's possible that I'm biased - I think it contains a disproportionately large number of talented writers (as compared to other fandoms). I kind of love everyone in it, not gonna lie. :)
THIS FIC IS FABULOUS.The confrontation between Figgins and the sudden strange increased Kurt Army is so Glee like that I can totally see this happening on the show!
And Finn asking Puck to prom....and Puck going " hell yeah!" was for some reason, the funniest part of the fic. Then it got touching, and the Artie's request for chicken during his invite was just hilarious. Then it got touching again,and then Sue Sylvester appeared and did her work. Since there is no way I can describe Sue's Sylvester,all I can say is " OUTSTANDING."
Can't wait!
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