Jul 16, 2008 17:05
I now know the perils of drinking more coffee than what your system can take. I’m not usually a coffee drinking, just a once-in-a-while coffee-er, but today I wanted to sit in a café and watch bogans (no not really, I find comfort in sitting in a café-it’s a nice contented atmosphere) & therefore that involved me buying something in order to sit in the lounges. I had a large flat white at 10:30am & it is now 4:30pm as I type this and I’m still feeling stressed and jittery.
It was so bad, the timing of paranoia and extreme trembling could not have come a worse time. I had my anatomy prac today and there was a really intense tutor who asked heaps of questions & she was the first tutor I faced in the circuit.
My hands were shaking really badly, if I didn’t clenched my teeth then my lips and mouth trembled & my knees were all weak and wobbly (as you can see I don’t drink coffee all that often). To somewhat conceal my jitteriness I had to constantly clasp & re-clasp my hands & bounce on my knees (I don’t know if that makes sense, but you know when you kind of bounce as you bend your knees slightly in an alternating pattern).
I don’t think it helped that I had to jog to my tutorial either because I was still in the process of cooling down and therefore sweating; my peers must’ve thought I was very scared of the tutor.
It was so incredibly hard concentrating during the 2 hours because I spent most of the time focusing on trying to keep my mouth from trembling and trying to slow my heart rate down (it felt like my heart was in my throat and I was having weird heart palpitations).
At the moment, my heart’s just beating at about 2.3 (not quite 3x & a little more than 2x…hence 2.3) times faster than its usual rate.
Grr. That’s the highlight of my day. Oh yeah & I also saw Sam from the Biggest Loser, he was walking through Mac Square…and yes he is apparently a Campbelltownian.
I feel so stressed!!! aGHGSDGAKFLHAKDJLFHAKJSDLHFKIC…freaking caffeine!!!
This stress is worse than the stress I had prior to looking up my exam results & the crappy thing is; it’s not even real stress! Pseudostress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!