Jul 06, 2007 18:28
It’s a little disconcerting that people actually think that I want a lemming as a pet and as funny as lemmings are…no thank you, I want pets without instinctual, suicidal habits.
For those of you who don’t know what lemmings are…
lemming: a small, mouse like animal of far northern areas, as Norway, Sweden, and elsewhere, noted for its mass migrations in times of population increases (Macquarie Pocket Dictionary, Third Edition)
Yes, “…mass migrations in times of population increases” is in fact a euphemism for a mass suicide (often involving a cliff)…haha I always imagine some tourist standing somewhere looking at the scenery & when they look down on the cliff, there are hordes of little rodent things making “EEEeeeeeeeeeee….” noises as they fall off.
Funny animals.
I want a German Shepard, because they are awesome (my choice of dog breed was in no way affected by me watching “Inspector Rex” whatsoever).
I love ALL dogs actually, except maybe chihuahas…though there are exceptions…
They must meet the following criteria:
they must have hair
they must not be a gross, raw pink colour
they must NOT have the name Tinkerbell (or variations thereof)
Embarrassing Scenario # 1
You’re sitting in a carriage with just one other person…and you fart.
Hahaha, this may sound weird but I don’t think I’ve heard more than 2 of you guys fart before…lol. Just thinking. I’d name the people muhahaha, ahh but I’m feeling nice.
Embarrassing Scenario # 36
If you had no choice, but to wear a bandaid on your nose due to an unfortunate misadventure (…involving a razor…you know who you are)
I would die in embarrassment, if anyone in my family caught me singing/dancing…not because I’m a particularly bad singer/dancer (=S…I hope lol)-but they’re just two things that we don’t do in public in my household (with the exception of my dad…he sings all the time).
It’s funny, how seeing random strangers becomes part of your routine when you’re bored. There’s this strange old woman who totters after her dog in the mornings…in fact all morning. She just kind of walks up and the down the street, crosses the street several times, waits for her dog to piss…then it continues again. Yes…she does this every morning and I’m bored enough to watch her through my window.
My dad is scary when he suspects the owner of a dog walking past, is letting his/her dog crap on our front lawn…my dad suddenly acquires superhuman powers such as: leaping over fences & down stairs, super speed, amazing eyesight & hearing…it’s really quite a spectacle. Yeah & one more thing, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be the owner of the dog…my dad is super, scary when someone threatens the immaculacy of his lawn…ok, so I was over exaggerating there…it’s just cos it’s a pain in the arse to pick up dog shit lol.
By the way, the over exaggeration, is in reference to the threatening of the immaculacy of the lawn, not the superhuman powers bit…really, I’m not kidding about that.
I saw a friend from Primary School the other day, he’s one grade older…well, not really grade anymore for him…but you know what I mean. Many of my walks to the train station in year 8 & 9 involved white quartz pebbles being chucked at my ankles, followed by several voices (him & his friends) giggling behind a garage roller door.
And my walks home involved offerings of lemon & the occasional screwdriver & many supposed accidental crashing of shoulders. Hmm, good times.
I can only imagine what I would have done if it had happened now…maybe a few punches into their faces lol. Well, apart from that they were okay.
Offerings of lemon…rofl… that sounds like a weird cult or something.
Darren Hayes…has umm, interesting music now…
But I like his old stuff…you know the really sappy love stuff…yeah I know, shut up.
I really, really like the songs ‘Makes me Wonder,’ ‘Big Girls don’t Cry’ & ‘The Greatest’ at the moment! Actually, I love ‘The Greatest’-such a beautiful song.
I love mellow music.
mellow 3. softened, made kindly or genial by age or experience 4. soft & rich, as sound, tones, colour, light, etc.
Somnambulism: the fact or habit of walking about, and often of doing other things, while asleep.
Ah, I need to get me a hot water bottle. (Lol, Sarah…it always reminds me of ‘I need to get me some laydeehz’ when I use that kind of a sentence; involving many grammatical errors)
Mwahhhhh (muahaha if that had happened in real life…you would all be sick by now…=[ yes, I’m sick. I held out for about a month…yep, my ENTIRE family has been sick all that time…and I didn’t get sick!…until now…
P.S. I wonder how long the word f*** has been around for. Someone should make a book about the history of swear words…I’d buy it.