TV show ramblings

May 15, 2008 18:05

As it's (almost) the end of the season I thought I'd post my take on the tv shows I've been watching this year. I'll start with the new shows and shows I've watched for the first time.

Moonlight - What can I say, I'm actually quite shocked at the cancellation. The ratings were a hell of a lot better than I'd expected so I thought season two was in the bag which just goes to prove how wrong I can be. :)
It's a good show, sure some of the dialog's corny and it definitely needed more Josef but on the whole it was really enjoyable and got a lot better as it went along. Alex made a terrific leading man (and he's easy on the eye too!) I thought it was very brave to kill off a semi-regular character so early and I really liked the Coraline storyline. I hope Jason's back on our screens soon, preferably on a show that doesn't get canceled in its first season.

Reaper - This was another show that like most, took a while to find its feet. I was quite close to giving up on it when every episode seemed the same as the previous one, thankfully the show finally got a story arc to it and it improved immensely. Last weeks episode (no 14) was the first time I've really wanted to see the next one straight away. It's also been great seeing Ken Marino (aka Vinnie Van Lowe) again.

Chuck - I've only seen the first five episodes so far but its very good. It reminds me of Reaper a little with them working together in a store, although thats where the similarities end. Adam Baldwin and Zach Levi are excellent in it and there are some really funny moments which are my fave things about it.

Gossip Girl - I've gave up on this after the first three episodes so I haven't got a lot to say about it. I tried to like it, I really did but I couldn't give a rat's ass about any of the characters so decided to stop watching as I was just bored when it was on.

Dexter - I know its already had two seasons but I only got the chance to see the first very recently when it started here on ITV. It took until episode six and I was addicted. Truly brilliant writing and acting I'm totally in love with this show now. I watched the season one finale last night and OH MY GOD! I couldn't believe I didn't see that twist coming, did anyone else or am I just slow? It was so surprising but when you think about it, it made perfect sense. Thats amazing writing. I might have to be naughty and download season two because I'm too impatient to wait until it airs over here, is it as good as the first season? Dexter is easily my favorite new show.

Lost - I have no idea how I could sum up season four, every episode has had me on the edge of my seat. I love how the writers have almost completely changed the show format, but it actually works. This has been my favorite season since the first and it makes me quite sad that there's only two more seasons too go.

Heroes - After a shaky start season two turned out to be really good. It's a shame the last few episodes seemed rush due to the writers strike but they did so well in the time that they had. I have two requests for season three, don't make Peter and Mohinder so bloody stupid!
Oh and more David Anders please, you can never have enough :)

Smallville - I've enjoyed season seven a lot more than 6. Halfway through 6 I nearly gave up on it. I like the character of Kara and it's been great to have James Marsters back. I can't imagine what next season will be like without Lex. I thought if he left the show would end, I hope it's still as good without him, but to be honest I doubt it will be.

Supernatural - I think this has definitely got better with age. Jensen and Jared work so well together and I think thats almost half of what makes the show so good. As for the new additions, Ruby is cool and interesting, I'm looking forward to learning more about her and I hope she stays around. Bella on the other hand needs to be put down. Seriously, how annoying can one girl be. I've only seen up too episode 12 and I'm still waiting for ITV2 to air the rest of the season, they better hurry before I get too impatient. :)

Dirt - Not much too say about it yet as I've only seen the first two episodes of season 2. I'm enjoying it although I'd like to see more of the supporting characters that had a big part in season one, especially Holt and Willa. My fave thing about this show are the Lucy/Don scenes.

It's ok, I know I watch too much tv :)

chuck, dexter, dirt. heroes, reaper, moonlight, smallville, lost, supernatural

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