Feb 16, 2005 23:03
I got very upset today when a stupid boy got on to my messenger and
was fudging with my roomie, man was I ticked off.
Why do certain guys do this to a girl like me.
what a jerk. Well after House stuff.. Me, Marie, & Amy had venting
time, that was awesome.
I love just hanging with my roomies just hanging and letting off steam.
I just feel that there is so much in my head going on that I really don't
want to deal with mist of the crap going on in the world.
I am so upset that there is so much to say that needs to be said but
if said lots of people will be trying to and kill me.
My head know that if it does not get said soo then I will explain.
My roomie is pissed about boys.
The philosophy that boys should only come up when they need to
reproduce actually is something I wouldn't mind investing in.
What fun.
Life today reflects on the theory that life needs to go bye and let me
sleep fully.
but all will be better after I feel better and wake up tomorrow.
Well I will keep this short for now....
Later world and classified readers...