
Sep 08, 2008 22:28

DISCLAIMER: Just so everyone knows, I will be posting political entries occasionally. I am very passionate about this years election and the need for change being recognized in Washington. I understand many of my LJ friends and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum so for the next two months, lets just agree to disagree. Please feel free to intelligently discuss both sides in my journal.

I am so tired of people being pissed off by the coverage of Palin. It's not all because she is a woman. It's because McCain didn't vet her well enough to know this shit was going to happen. When you bring a name into the political arena that isn't well known by the general public, they are going to be under harsh scrutiny...it's a matter of trust. And yes, I am a Hillary supporter who doesn't support Palin. It has nothing to do with them both being female and all to do with politics. I don't appreciate McCain now trying to play the feminist card just to get  a vote - it's belittling. 
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