(no subject)

May 17, 2010 08:42

I saw a mouse in our house Saturday afternoon. I made such a noise, I'm not sure who was more scared, me or the mouse.

Actually, no contest. It was totally me.

This is the third time I've had to deal with mice, but the first time at this apartment, where we've lived for almost 5 years. I think the fact that I live with a two year old who loves rice and other really-difficult-to-get-up-after-being-flung-by-a-naughty-little-boy foods is a contributing factor this time.

I am so very squicked out.

I try to remind myself that the mouse is a Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie but not even Burns can help me when confronted with a mouse in my house. I'm sorry, wee beastie, it's you or me.

It does not help that I am not recovered from my first dread cold of '10. Even took Oliver into the doctor. He's never had to go in before for a cold, but his cough was so awful one night I was too worried not to. He is fine now, just a bit congested still. I still feel wretched.

And now I feel wretched and have a mouse.


ick, oliver, sick, mouse, daily

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