(no subject)

Apr 28, 2006 17:55


1. What's missing from your life? Babies, a job that I want to get up for in the morning.

2. Do you like to get drunk? Nope. I do, however, like to get tipsy. I am usually the world's friendliest tipsy/drunk person. I call it "puppy drunk" because I am SO excited to see everyone, you are all the nicest people ever, ooh look at the shiny ball you're throwing. Ok, not that last part. ;) But you can practically see me wag my tail.

3. Have you ever kissed a stranger? Yep.

4. Do you smoke? I actually can't anymore, it totally makes me nauseated. Which is good, I guess. I do miss gesturing with them though.

5. What makes you happy? I was just compiling a list of things that make me happy yesterday! Sunshine, edamame, my husband, pop music, the color green, sparkly things, new lipstick, big hugs, being halfway through a great book, the smell of a baby's head. I could go on.

Oooh, in other news I am blonde. Blonde blonde. Marilyn blonde. I am loving it. I need to find my dang camera and post pictures!

blonde, meme, friday fiver

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