новости про билеты

Apr 01, 2008 20:17

" Grandstands T1 and T2 not available!

The two best grandstands locations T1 and T2 are not available to the public. Valmor Sports and Formula One Administration share these seats for their guests and compromises. T3 and T4 are available, although as they have much less capacity, they will be sold out inmediately.

Also last week, date of the anouncement of prices and location map, Valmor Sport has decided to put on sale the cheapest grandstands T21 and T22 for foreing countries. They show once again their intentions of monopolize these sales together with El Corte Ingles and Bancaja. Another movement similar to the blockage of hotels and other services in Valencie, making imperative for the user to go through El Corte Ingles o Bancaja to enjoy this event.
From day one this race is very political, and the results of these actions can be felt in the city and the citizens, that outside their political ideas, are the greatest fans of Formula One.
Treating the public as lambs is a lack of respect to all people that make of this sport a reality."
не пора ли нам делать заказ?;)

great day

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