All righty, I think I have figured out how to add the NaNo ticker to my LJ...we'll see if this works.
I managed to get my 8K in very early this morning, so I'm back on track with my desired 2K/day goal. I'll need to get a bit ahead, as I don't think I'll have much time on Friday to write (will be out of town) so I want a buffer of at least 1K so I'm not frantic on Saturday or Sunday.
And follow the link for
“Good morrow, lady,” said the newcomer. Her voice had a cheerful tone and she came further into the room carrying a tray holding some dishes and a metal goblet. “The master said thou wouldst likely be awake by now. Art thou perhaps hungry?”
At the question, phrased archaically as it was, Jennifer’s stomach rumbled. “Yes, I guess I am. But where am I, please?”
“Master Torren will be speaking to thee about that, but first, perhaps, thou shouldst like some apparel, true?” The woman set the tray on a small table near the door. Then she went to the cabinet and opened it. “We have clothing for thee here. I shall leave thee for a small time, and return to take thee to Master Torren when thou hast broken thy fast.” She bustled out before Jennifer could stop her.
The smell of the food drew her to the tray, where she found some fried eggs and a small roll accompanied by a goblet of what proved to be a very light wine. How odd, that wine was offered instead of tea or coffee. She realized she was ravenous, so she quickly gobbled what was on the tray and, holding the goblet, she approached the cabinet.
Within the cabinet, which was deeper than she expected, were several dresses, all of floor length with long sleeves and high neck lines. And very modest, almost medieval, Jennifer thought as she fingered the cloth of the dress nearest the opening. Judging by the appearance of the trees outside, wherever she was it was nearing winter, and something warm appealed. A minute of rummaging provided her with a soft green gown of what appeared to be wool, and a pair of black slipper-type shoes. She looked in vain for any sort of underwear, and realized she was going to have to do without.
When the woman tapped on the door a few minutes later, Jennifer was fed and dressed. She appraised her critically, nodded, and said, “Thou dost appear ready. Wilt thou come with me, lady?”
Jennifer nodded. “I’m ready.”
“Follow thou me, then.”
Jennifer did so, at the same time wondering just why she was feeling so docile as to do as she was told. After a few minutes, she decided it was because she was feeling her way around here. Not only the clothing and the language was medieval, she realized, but the whole setting was. So where was she? If it wasn’t against all reason, she’s think she had stepped back in time to the days of knights in shining armor and fair maidens needing rescuing from horrible beasts or even more horrible villians.
Not much time elapsed before her guide led her to an ornate wooden door at the end of a long hallway. With a quick rap before opening it, she entered, and gestured for Jennifer to continue on into the room beyond. “The lady is here, Torren,” she announced.
A mellow voice responded. “I thank thee, Lorissa. Leave us, please.”
Lorissa nodded once, and did so, shutting the door behind her. Jennifer hovered near it, not sure where to stand.
“Come here, lady. I’ll not harm thee.”
Cautiously, she did so. The voice belongs to a short, dumpy-looking man of indeterminate age. Jennifer estimated him to be in his forties, or early fifties. They looked at each other, neither one speaking, for almost a full minute. Finally Jennifer broke the silence. “I have no idea where I am.”
The man called Torren smiled slightly. “That dost not surprise me. Come, sit here and let me try to explain.”