Because I'm bored......(Warning...Looonng)

Apr 03, 2005 22:21

Thanks Blue, it's all your fault!

Accent: Sometimes I break out the Southern accent (but really only to tick my dad off!)

Bra size: 44DDD

Chore I hate: raking or pickin up the dog poo

Essential make-up: Rarely, if ever, wear makeup

Favorite perfume: Dragons Blood or Vanilla

Gold or Silver: Prefer Silver, but golds good too

Hometown: a burb of Milwaukee

Interesting fact: I was hit in the face by a plastic swing when I was kid.

Job title: CNA, soon to be an RN :D

Kids: Someday

Living arrangements: At home with the folks, at least for now

Number of apples eaten in last week: 1

Overnight hospital stays: Nada

Phobia: Don't really have one, but those creepy southern spiders freak me out!

Question you ask yourself a lot: why me? or is this for real?

Religious affiliation: Christian

Siblings: 1 brother and 1 sister by marraige

Time I wake up: Depends on what I need to do before work

Unnatural hair color: Don't have one

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Nothing off the top of my head

Worst habit: Whining. (can I have some cheese please? :D)

X-rays: None

Yummy food I make: Um...not really sure...

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

1) Starting time: 10:30

2) Full Name: Carol
3) Nickname(s): Carol Bear, C, Rusa, Ruth, the Bitch

4) School:Public except for kindergarden.

5) Email: If you're on my friends list, you already know it

6) Eyes: Grey

7) Hair: Auburn

8) Height: 5'10"

9) Siblings: see above

10) Ever been cheated on: Almost every time...(and keep in mind, I haven't dated much...)

11) Ever missed school because it was raining: no

12) Set any body part on fire for amusement: no

14) Had an imaginary friend: not that I can recall

16) Cried during a Flick: oh yes

17) Had a crush on a teacher: once

18) Ever thought of animated characters as hot: no!

19) Ever at anytime owned a 'New Kids On the Block' album: bahaha! yes!

20) Ever prank called someone: once or twice as a kid

21) Been on stage: yes


22) Shampoo: Pantene for curly hair

23) Color: Red and Black

24) Summer/Winter: depends on my mood...sometimes winter sometimes summer.

25) Online: not sure

26) Lace, silk or satin?: all of the above

27) Like Anyone?: *whistles innocently*

28) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Goondar!

30) Who's the shyest friend you have: None that I'm aware of

31) Who do you go to for advice: My mom mostly but also Mac and Goondar

32) Who do you get along with: Just about everyone

------------In The Last 2 Weeks Have You------------

33) Cried: Hell yes!

34) Been mean: yes!

35) Been Sarcastic: of course!

37) Met someone new: yep

38) Talked to someone you have a crush on: You could say that

39) Missed someone: OMG, hell yes!

40) Hugged someone: Yesss!!!

41) fought with your parents: Heck yes!

42) Wished upon a star: Yep

43) Laughed until you've cried: LOL! yes!! damn swan!

44) Played Truth or Dare: Nope

45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: both

46) Went to the beach at night: YES YES YES!!!

47) Read a book for fun: yep

49) Are you lonely: almost all the time

50) Are you happy: sometimes

51) Are you talking to someone online: Not at the moment

-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN -----------

52) God/Devil: yes

53) Love: Most definatly

54) The Closet Monster: LOL!!! Yes!

55) The Big Bang Theory: maybe

56) Heaven/hell: yes

57) Superstitions: not really

58) Full Name: Which one? :P

60) Backstreet Boys or N Sync: Neither!

61) When was the last time you showered: this afternoon

62) What was the last thing that you said when u were online: you at work or at home?

63) What is right next to you: dust, doghair, puter parts, dalmation mouse pad and a Singer treddle sewing machine

64) What is your computer desk made of: Wal-Mart wood

65) What was the last thing that you did: came down stairs to get on the puter

67) Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: Doesn't really matter-haven't been to many places

68) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: someone who lets me be me and that loves me completely without reservation. Someone to laugh with, love with, share the ups and downs with and that will still be holding my hand tightly through it and at the end of it all.

69) How's the weather: Chilly

70) What did you do yesterday/today: Today, went to church and worked 4 hours. Yesterday, vegged and went to a hafla.

71) Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex: overall personallity.

73) All time favorite TV show: ER!

74) Dream car? MKIV!!!!!

75) What do you want to be when you grow up: I dont wanna grow up! I'm a toys r us kid!

76) Favorite music: most anything

79) Favorite food: Ethiopian food or Southern comfort food

80) Favorite days of the week: Any day I'm off

81) What nationality would you like to be: Not really sure

83) If you could change your name, what would it be: Is that first name or a last name??

84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Stuffed full of what?? (heh, cause I always sleep with my four legged, and she can be stuffed with lots of stuff)

85) The most stupid thing you ever did: Duh!

86) First Son's name: undecided

87) First Daughters name: Emma

89) Favorite drink?: Iced Tea

90) You like scary or funny movies better?: Depends on the mood at the time

91) On the phone or in person: In person!

92) Lust or Love: Lust can be fun, but nothing compares to love

93) If you could change something about yourself, what would it be: My body

94) Do you consider cheerleading a sport: Umm....

95) Do you have pets: yep

96) Who sent this survey to you: I wripped it from Blue :D

97) What do you think of this person: She kicks ass!

98) What are a few of your favorite songs: Too many to list

100) Do you want your friends to do this survey: If they want

101) time finished: 10:56
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