the things of earth will grow strangely dim..

Feb 05, 2005 21:06

so this has been a pretty good week, except for watching duke suck at basketball. i've had lots of opportunities for good quality time with both my friends from school and from youth group. i have to learn how to balance time with those two groups of people.

i'm also still trying to "turn over a new leaf". i have made progress, and i think one of the next things i need to do is watch my mouth, cause i have a tendency to say stupid stuff, especially when i get pissed off. there are definitely some forseeable temptations in the future, however i will hopefully be able to avoid them or excercise some self-control.

it's kind of depressing how like almost everyone knows where they're going to college already, and i don't hear anything from anyone until late march or april. and UNC freaking lost part of my application so i have to re-submit some of it and see if smith ever mailed my letter. i also got a postcard in the mail today from Yale saying that they hadn't recieved my recommendation from both teachers, which means that smith hasn't sent it there either. i need to have a little chat with him regarding punctuality, and the neccessity of timely reccommendations in the college admissions process. maybe he's just trying to sabotage my applications so i'll go to duke instead or something. whatever.

last night at SALT chuck informed us that we will probably be going to YWAM Orlando this summer for our missions stuff, which is cool with me because that's what i voted for. it was a kind of spur of the moment, impulsive vote that i made when chuck randomly called me, so hopefully that's really where we're supposed to be this summer. i need to figure out when and where i'm traveling with different groups of people so i can figure out if i will have time to get a job like my parents wanted me to.

i hate sinus infections!

ok well...that's enough rambling for now. i'm gonna go sleep or something. later
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