Jun 27, 2005 01:21
oh em gee! i haven't written in so long. i've been "preoccupied" with myspace.
well my house is really creepy tonight and nobody is on....hmmm. maybe i shoulda gone to chinqueka. well. i just needed to express some anger and i know that this is a good place to do it. so here it goes.
the things that are wrong with people these days
1. they say i love you when they don't mean it
2. they lie
3. they cheat
4. they steal
5. for the most part they see themselves on a higher plateau than everyone else (they are exempt from the rules)
6. they're hypocritical (even though i'm making this list i have most of these qualities)
7. they take friendships for granted
8. they think that because they were born they own the world and everyone in it
9. they cna't set alarm codes because they're retarded (actually that's just me)
10. they are self-conscious
11. they get really scared.....just like i am right now
okay my house is really creeping me out.
<3 caroline