Apr 12, 2004 14:39
WELLLL this weekend was pretty interesting..thursday i didnt do anything and friday i went out w.mi sarah and met up w.cori kc and mo at mickey d'ssss and we had ice cream!! =) OH and then! we went to target!!! great times great times..and on saturday my gayyy family decided that we should go to galveston SOOO mi madre woke me up at the butt crack of dawn and we went to galveston it was pretty cool until i got pinched by a crab and almost died in the tornado. got home around 3 in tha morning and then on sunday i went out w.jon to get some ice cream and THENN went to go pick up mi sarah and we went to pick up her jason and then we went to mcdonalds!! :D it was fun we got doggies!! YAY! and mi sarah saved me but we wont talk about that =/ then we dropped jason off and came to mi casa and ate and talked, caught up and then we fell asleep we woke up today at around 1 and now we want pizza WE WANT PIZZA DAMNIT SOMEBODY GET US PIZZA!!!!!!!!! sarah says pweease. lol wut a goober. well were gna go beg some people for some pizza now so ttyll!! lyl xoxoxo muahhhhhhhhhh
<3. CaRo n SaRaHh