(no subject)

Jan 19, 2010 06:58

NAME: Oreo
JOURNAL: manslut
IM: countchawqla
E-MAIL: creechingdook AT gmail DOT com

CHARACTER NAME: Samuel Sullivan
FANDOM: Heroes
CHRONOLOGY: post season 4
CLASS: Villain
SUPERHERO NAME: Samuel Sullivan
ALTER EGO: 100% crazy carny. Ran a family-started show back at “home.”

Samuel Sullivan’s birth triggered an earthquake. Samuel’s mother was a resident at Coyote Sands (a resettlement camp for evolved humans). Days before his birth, there was an increase in seismic activity, the worst of it occurring ON his actual birth. What’s particularly interesting about this is that Samuel’s evolved human ability manifested while he was a fetus whereas many evolved human abilities don’t develop until puberty or later in life.

Nevertheless, the tape recording his birth was hidden from him for nearly 40 years. Later on in his life, Samuel’s family worked at an estate, his mother and father as a butler and a maid. As an adult, he and his brother begin a carnival, attempting to unite evolved humans around the world. The whole… childhood background is somewhat sketchy ATM.


Mohinder seek out the film reel of Samuel’s birth and shows it to Samuel’s brother, Joseph, who currently runs the Sullivan Brothers’ carnival. Joseph tells Mohinder to burn the film. LITTLE DOES HE KNOW THAT HEROES IS NOTORIOUS FOR PEOPLE STANDING OUTSIDE OF WINDOWS, DOORS, ETC. LISTENING INTO VERY PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS/WATCHING YOU IN THE SHOWER. So of course, Samuel is standing outside, listening in. He COMPLETELY flips a shit, which results in him and his brother going out to a cornfield and having a ~special talk~. Joseph says that he sent Samuel’s compass (what evolved humans use to find the carnival) to a seedy government man to take him away. Well, Samuel gets pissed and uses his ability to chuck an evil rock into his brother’s skull, instantly killing him. Then he begins profusely apologizing to his brother’s corpse.

He covers up the murder and gives a beautiful heartfelt (secretly plotting to take over the world) speech at the funeral and then takes over running the carnival. He then has Ray Park (also known as Eddy), a speedster with Bullseye’s abilities (pretty much) to find this seedy government and get his compass back. Eddy says that he’s trying to redeem himself (implying that he’s probably killed or committed crimes before) and doesn’t want to. Samuel promises it’s the last time he’ll make him do something like this (after strangling him with mineral based tattoo ink of course) and Eddy reluctantly agrees.

So Samuel goes about his merry way picking up more people. He uses an Empath who can predict the future to locate evolved humans. Eddy isn’t too fond of this, believing that his brother Joseph wouldn’t have done things the same way, and Samuel has ulterior motives.

At one point, he finds Peter Petrelli and tells him he wasn’t saved in a bus accident where Peter THOUGHT he saved anyone. He pretends to have a broken arm and threatens to sue Peter. Samuel then breaks into his house, where Peter has a whole wall of newspaper clippings of all the people he’s saved. Samuel just sort of shoops himself into the picture of the bus accident using the mineral based tattoo ink he works with on Lydia. THEN HE SNEAKS OUT OH WHAT NOW PETER… so Peter comes back, goes into emo mode and apologizes to Samuel. Samuel drops the “charges” (lol, wot charges) and Peter suggests that he go visit his old home (which is, conveniently, in the same city). He goes there and knocks at the door only to be rejected by the current tenant because they were having a DINNER PARTY….

Samuel gets mad/depressed and creates a sink hole, destroying the house and killing everyone.

When Nathan gets buried, dies, and comes back to life (after being reborn in Sylar’s body okay it’s confusing just, stay with me here), he’s resurrected as Sylar without his memories (since Sylar’s soul was taken away… kind of BUT THAT’S ANOTHER HISTORY OKAY, NOT SAMUEL’S), he runs from the police. Samuel locates him and takes him into the carnival just as the police finally catch onto Sylar’s tail. Unfortunately, seconds later, when they arrive, the carnival has somehow disappeared.

Samuel is frustrated over Sylar losing his memories, given that he was looking forward to Sylar joining the carnival with his numerous abilities. He sends out free passes to the police department, rationalizing that if Sylar saw something that he was afraid of and felt the need to defend himself, he might reawaken his abilities by killing somebody. Of course, this happens and Samuel “baptizes” him, telling him that he will be reborn into the world as a new person and that he will help him in this process.


Okay, so READ BOTH THE PERSONALITY SECTION AND THE HISTORY FIRST.  Since the personality sections has a bunch of stuff from my pre-season finale application.

Samuel wants Claire to stfu because she KNOWS TOO MUCH.  So he buries her underground, in a trailer, HOPING she will suffocate and die.  Alas, Claire's fanbase is still strong. So she gets out.

Samuel gathers enough carnies to take a dump on New York earthquake-style.  KIND OF SIMILAR TO WHAT HAPPENED HERE LAWL.  Well, upon preperation for his final show (including a massive inspirational speech to his fellow carnies), Eddie busts into the scene and is a huge buzzkill.  PRIOR to all of this, Lydia was killed in an assassination attempt to snipe Samuel.  So Eddie got super-PO'ed, because he had a gigantor crush on Lydia.  That along with being exiled from the carnival, etc.  SO ANYWAY, Eddie busts in and convinces the rest of the carnies that Samuel is indeed a fraud, and the carnies begin to leave Samuel one by one.  This starts to weaken his abilities, so he jump starts his plan, rushes outside, and initiates an earthquake.  However, the entire group of people (carnies and citizens of New York alike) are teleported OUT of the city, and Samuel's powers begin to severely weaken.  He gets in an epic battle with Peter, and loses after somehow (PLOT HOLES HERE I WILL NOT GO INTO) has absolutely no rock-controlling-juice left.  New York is saved, Samuel is arrested, the series is over.  After Claire makes a scene and jumps off a ferris wheel in front of thousands of people.  BUT THAT'S ANOTHER STORY.


Additionally, Samuel ALSO gets other people to join, such as Jeremy, a kid who can control life and death. Unfortunately, due to Jeremy’s accidental murder of his parents, he gets lynched outside of the carnival. Samuel becomes a whirling derby and takes down the police station using his abilities because he’s FAWKIN PISSED. He entraps Hiro, bribing him to jump back in time to do a bunch of stuff for him (including retrieving the film reel of his birth which his brother burned). He sends a cello to a deaf woman, Emma, who has enhanced synesthesia and later visits her to see how she’s dealing with her new abilities.


Samuel’s most domineering trait is his ability to manipulate others. Despite having a somewhat lonely and quite history prior, after taking over the carnival, he became much more sociable. While he still kept the dark and foreboding personality of his past, he only let it leak out with certain individuals. To the public, he acts as a warm, accepting and fatherly character. Also, he gives off a somewhat religious vibe. That isn’t to say that he actually claims to be in any faction (“baptizing” Sylar was more of a symbolic). He’s more of a cult leader in a way. He leads individuals into a false sense of security, only to use them for his own personal gains. One of his main goals being that apparently, in larger groups, evolved humans become much more powerful. Of course, he doesn’t reveal this openly to anyone until the most recent episode and HOPEFULLY next week’s episode as well.

Additionally, Samuel seems to hold a certain hostility to those who aren’t “gifted”/evolved humans. He first expresses this with Sylar after returning his memories. While Sylar states that he can’t believe he killed so many people, Samuel suddenly snaps, lecturing him that it was the fault of the people “out there.” This bitterness partially explains her rationale for making this exclusive vanishing carnival. When it’s visible to the public, he along with the other carnies, put on the role of ordinary people with special talents. Given that it’s a carnival (and in a sense, a freak show), people wouldn’t question the abnormality of everything.

Samuel further separates himself from the “real world” in a scene where he comments on the atrocities of the world after reading a newspaper. The irony lies in the fact that he seemed to openly accept Sylar and his murders, whereas, “real world” tragedies disgust him. The only exception to this seems to be with his childhood love, Vanessa. He kidnaps her at one point, determined to win her heart once more. He even made them a little romantic house to live in. Sadly, she said, “lol no,” and he let her go home. THEN he goes flying off the handle at a diner and causes and earthquake.

Overall, Samuel is extremely gifted “acting” as a caring and genuine person. He calls the carnival his “family” and claims that “all are accepted.” His way of going about things though is practically bipolar at times, lashing out when his emotions pique for the worst.

Terakenisis- The ability to control minerals, rocks, dirt, etc. He has used it to strangle people with mineral-based tattoo ink and conjure up sinkholes and earthquakes. After his plot LAST time he was here, I agreed with Zero that he would lose his ability to do earthquaking.  UPDATES ON HIS ABILITY HOWEVER:  He DOES need other supers around to use his ability to its full extent.  The more supers around, the stronger his ability gets.  Once again, this will be dumbed down a lot.  I more or less didn't include this last time because it's a bit godmoddy.  SO.  I'll have it be able to HELP him, but not to the extent he could collapse an entire city.

A strange community indeed.

I can’t say I was expectin’ this, but at this point I should know better than to assume our lives have some sort of fluent consistency.

Besides, all of you aren’t that different from my family at home. Lots of you have beautiful and unique gifts blessed upon you and whether or not these gifts were given to you at birth isn’t what’s important. Consciously knowing you’re different, special, and separate from those who claim to be “normal” is what strengthens your entire being. I’m grateful to know that so many of you have accepted and embraced these traits. I know from experience that it is no easy task and have seen many stumble upon trying. Your overwhelming faith and courage is admirable.

That said, there are still those among us who despise who we are and refuse to accept us into their society. Because of that, at times, we find ourselves remote and alone. The truth is that we’re not. Far from it in fact and what I’ve truly gotten to appreciate is that so many of you have that knowledge. At the same time, it pains me to see the division between “sides.”

How do you define good and evil? If it’s in our blood, instinct, can we truly blame those who commit what many of you consider atrocities. Mind you, I don’t condone this, but I believe the so called “rehabilitation” methods in this city call for a change. Instead of tearing down the people you label as criminals, why not make the effort to accept and attempt to help them?

Unification really is a beautiful thing.


Samuel was never one for the urban lifestyle. Even in childhood, his upbringing pertained to a much humbler lifestyle. Relating to the cause of this city was extraordinarily difficult. Well, it wasn’t as if he actually planned on contributing to it, but he needed to develop the proper façade to make people believe that his intentions were earnest. Of course, to him they were more than genuine. It was his heartfelt desire to unify the evolved humans of this city, the truly gifted. Though, the personal morals and ethics that many of its residents so desperately clutched onto made it much more difficult.

Many of the members of this city had already birthed themselves into manifesting their abilities. At “home,” he needed only to coax his family members in, one by one. He promised them a new birth, and many times, those who joined found themselves completely lost and had just recently discovered the full capabilities of their gifts. Those here seemed much more acquainted. For this reason, his methods were going to be somewhat different. Of course he wouldn’t rob them of rejuvenation, but he certainly wouldn’t nurture them as infants.

He would restart the Sullivan Brothers carnival and introduce his brother’s legacy to a new community. It would require time and patience. He certainly wouldn’t hold the immense number of years and trust his “family” was encompassed in before. In a sense, this was a rebirth for him as well.

Samuel sat atop one of the skyscrapers in the city, slightly slouched back and lazily dangling his legs over the ledge. His eyes scanned over the streets, windows, parks, and general layout of the city below him. He could spot the ant-like forms of “ordinary” citizens strolling about in their busybody ways. Some clutched onto handfuls of shopping bags, others chattered away on their beloved gems they called “cellphones.” In his own hand, Samuel clutched onto a fistful of gravel. Gradually, his gaze narrowed and his previously softened expression tensed up into a scowl. Casually, he lifted his hand up and over the ledge, slowly uncurling his fingers and releasing the gravel.

It was time to plant the seeds of redemption once more.

I know the Heroes canon gets somewhat confusing. If you want me to elaborate more on things, please let me know. I just didn’t want it to get too tldr with details about OTHER characters and focus more on Samuel’s history. Also, once again, I promise not to abuse his abilities without mod permission!
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