Dec 05, 2004 14:16

I found out what im naming my lbrador retreiver/ english stter, im naming it usko, its a finnish name, but its cool and different. hes the cutest thing ever, hes like 9 inches tall and chunky puppy, very healthy dog, its all black. ive been trying to potty train it, it went pee 3 times outside and once inside. so far so good! he really likes listening to discharge too, i think i have a dbeat puppy, hahahha. everytime i play discharge he wags his tail.

here are some pictures....

isnt he the cutest ?? thats my babyyy.. i love him so much already and ive only had him for 5 hours. ha. me and him were playing earlier, he kept stealing my socks and my moms slippers, it was adorable

also, today toni brought over the pitbull shes giving me, its the most beautiful dog ever, its fullblded pit but two different breeds of pit, half red nose and half soemthing else, i forgot the other half. it has crystal green/blue/yellow eyes and a pink nose, and its like a really really light brown and a white strip from the neck down to his belly, its name is taka, its huge! i was playing with it while it was over, it looked soooo happy to be able to run around in a big backyard because toni doesnt have a fence and keeps it on a leash all day :(, poor baby. but yeah , my dad fell in love with the pit, the whole time it was here he was playing with it and everything, i think he wants it too, which is weird because ever since he had to give away his bird ( macaw) barney, he hasnt liked any animals ive brought home, so i think hes going to keep the pit for himself, haha.
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