a little drabble...

Aug 01, 2004 20:44

It's not much of anything. I wasn't sure what to do...so I just wrote a little drabble of sorts as to at least do something for our group.

Use or don't use at your disgression:)

As he wandered further along the path filled with overgrown daisies and tall oak trees, he felt like he was suddenly playing Dorothy in a cracked out, English version of the Wizard of Oz. Except his witch wasn't green, but tanned and it wasn't a woman with a bad cackle, but a tall, lithe man with a shit-eating grin and eyes that made Dom forget everything. And he looked a lot like Orlando. A lot.

Dom rubbed his eyes and said, "This is what I get for watching The Wiz with Billy on a bottle of whiskey. I've gone completely round the twist."

He wasn't sure who he was talking to, but can't say he was too surprised when he got a response from over his shoulder. He spun around and standing there was a tall, greasy sort of man, resembling the child catcher in Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang, and wearing a smirk that made Dom wonder exactly what he had gotten himself into.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, Mr. Monaghan, that if you continue to behave like this, it'll be a wonder if Hufflepuff ends up with any points at the end of the year."


"Did Mr. Longbottom hit you with one of his memory charms by accident again?"

"Who are you?" Dom questioned.

"Professor Snape and that's another ten points."

"Snape and Hufflepuff...is this a joke? I know that Elijah has a weird obsession with Harry Potter, but--"

"Mr. Monaghan, would you please rejoin the rest of your class and stop trying my patience," the man going by Snape (though Dom knew he wasn't that crazy...yet) said, pointing to the woods.

Dom gulped. He'd seen more than enough horror movies that ended very badly for his sort of character, but staying there, watching the man's nostrils flare seemed worse. He broke into a light jog and kept willing himself to wake up. Unfortunately, it wasn't working and he was beginning to think that maybe this latest round of fighting and breaking up/making up had caused a complete mental breakdown.

What was next? Dancing clowns and vampires with souls?

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