Registered for classes today:
Theatre 462 - Senior Project In Theatre
Theatre 396 - The Comic Duo: Theory & Practice (Joint Independent Study with my comedy partner)
Women's Studies 301 - Feminist Theories
SSC 262 - Social Psychology
This term I will:
Do Work Study in the Theatre as usual: Assistant Technical Director/House Manager/"Super-FWSP"
Do Open Stage again; Jill will be running a lot of it; not sure of the dates yet, the first will probably be Feb. 3.
Direct The Vagina Monologues, which will go up Feb. 22.
Write and direct a one-act play for my senior project.
Decide where I'm going after graduation in a timely fashion. Present options include: Providence, New York, San Francisco, LA, Amsterdam.
Let's see, what else:
Moved back into dorms.
Got a mini-fridge.
Had to eat the rest of the ice cream because the tub wouldn't fit in said mini-fridge.
The gaping holes where teeth once were on both sides of my mouth is a bit unnverving. On one side it's just frightening.
It's still weird to me that I have friends. Plural.
Insomnia for a week. Tired.