Coffeeshop Couch / Fog

Sep 23, 2005 07:18

I really love sitting high up in one of the window seats here. But also, I love sitting on the couch, which is on the other side of the coffeeshop.

That bloody couch is the last thing that Dino's had over the Emporium (except maybe the stamp cards- buy 10 cups get 1 free). The day I first saw the couch here, I remember it well. I went "ooh!" and sat in it. After I'd been there a while, a woman who works here said whilst walking by, "You're the first person to sit there! We just got it today. You should sign the wall behind it or something." "Vee was here- FIRST!"

But now, since that boy lay down on the sidewalk, I've discovered the grandness of the window seat (unless I have to do work or something, because I am so easily distracted by passing landscape).

But the seat's not even remotely comfortable. I might have to start bringing a pillow.

I wish I could put the couch on a raised platform in front of the window, with a little stepladder to get up on it.


I left the theatre building after class, it was about 8pm, and saw the most amazing fog I'd ever seen. It hovered thick over the golf course, and seemed to glow. On the other side of the field, I saw another student run into it and vanish.


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