..A friend of mine, Cassandra
http://www.livejournal.com/users/cassandraharley/ , got jumped by these two bogan-ass girls only last night.
It was scary. And i can't even begin to imagen how she is feeling about it..
I feel so stupid and useless for not being there sooner, yo pull them off and such. Jesus.. some people have REALLY got problems, and when it affects other people.... it's just f*cking crazy.
Cass says she doesn't remember much, which is even worse... poor girl~ It just happened so fast even i find it hard to believe now, it seems like ages ago..
It started out as a night on the parliment lawns, firetwirling with a whole loads of other people, Then it got around time for Aaron((a friend we were walking to the bus stop)) to catch the last bus home, so Cass, Chris, myself and were goign to walk him up to the bus-stop.
When we got to the street on which we could see his bus from, we began to loosely run up. Chris turned back when we got this far, i didn't know why at the time--
I had noticed a bunch of people standing about, but they just looked like a couple or two and mayber their younger brother.
When we got up to the block just passed them it was then the two girls started attacking Cass, i didn't notice because i had run up ahaead a bit. And when i got to the other side on the lights i heard Aaron shouting something and looked back to where they were still in the middle of the road.
Right then i saw Cass on the ground, one girl bent over her and the other pushing Aaron about. I ran over bloody scared out my brain and torn the girl off Cass. Just the vision of the girl holding Cass by the hair, still makes me sad and angry, i feel so bad.
After i'd pushed the shorter girl back off, Cass got up and we hurried down to the bus with Aaron. Only ONE PERSON ((out of the many stopped at the lights)) got out of their car and started up with the "Don't treat people like that, i'll call the police etc etc"..
The two girls tried to go Cass again while we were headed for the bus, i just stood between them, telling them to stop. I got punched for that, but that's nothing compared to what Cass went through, and after i was still standing, i think that put them off abit..
Either way, Aaron paid for me and Cass to catch the bus, and we took it down two blocks and walked back to the park in which we were firetwirling. I called up my mum and we went home pretty much right away. Cass was shaken out of her mind, it had been real bad for her, which i felt worse about, i should have stayed closer to her. So stupid.
Chris called me up while we were walking back to the larger fire-group, he was feeling ultra guilty about the whole thing now, and what i said at the time wouldn't have helped.
I only broke out into tears when he called, i had been so scared for Cass and what he was saying wasn't making it better..
He's not to blame for bogans being SHIT, but maybe coulda said something.. In any case, you can't change the past, and i'm sure had he of known what would have happened he wouldn't have gone back so soon. There's nothing anyone can do about it now.
....I've never actually been around such a violent act before...... i mean, i'd hear about it but never have i been in that kind of situation myself before. It's scary. And i feel so bad for Cass who caught the full blow of it..... cowardly bitches they didn't attack me until i'd helped Cass up, fucking bogans skanks.
I hope Cass is too emotionally cut up about it, it's real hard dealing with that sort of thing. :(
and if you do, turn back from group, no matter WHAT they look like.
..it's not worth the risk.