Errrrrrrgh~ my heeeead

Jun 06, 2004 11:11

;_: holy frug

extrctions are poo-chyu... ~.~
..and even walking acroos the house starts up my bleeding.. :(

Hrrrrm, i went to the dentist today, to get a PERMINANT' toothy ripped out.... it huuuuurts now. Anywayz, i was kinda like 'aaargh*dread*' the whole way there this morning, i soooooooooooooo shouldn't have said yes to bracers/ teeth fixation etc.. ~.~ so i was a shark-face I COULD HAVE LIVED WITH THAT.... :(

..and when we got there, no waiting, STRAIGHT into the dentist chair, and while i don't usually fear the dentist, i did this time. i think after all the times i have been there, had teeth out etc etc, and day sugery one time... o_o i am finally starting to develope a phobia.

..i really do hate needles. and pain.

while i was in the chair, -they have a window in the roof so you could see the clouds, i just stared SO-so hard out there,... .... i can even remember almost faising out at some stage, so scary.
i mean, they are nice enough, the dentist and all, but it still hurts.
so on it went for a half an hour, and i was out, shaking the whole way home, the dentist assistant said it was beacause the anisthetic has adrenalin in it, but i think it was half shock/fear.

gawd, i know that it's probably nothing, and there are worse fates out there, i really shouldn't complain... my head hurts.

not only all that, but i came home and got onto MSN, couldn't sleep, too shake-y, and some d00d from DA i hardly know at all added me on MSN, and we had a difficult conversation... ~___~
AND had an argument with another girl from DA... ~_____~ ... what a day, i am only glad that they both worked out, got resolved etc.. i hate fighting/ and stoof like that.. ~.~
Nrrrrrrrm i just wish Cass' would come onto MSN... :( I only go on most times to see it she's on.. ;_; i miss her, and she works so hard now.. mwaaaar, i hope she okay with it all :) *hugs for Cassu* miss you!

Hmmmmmmmmm and in the mix,.... DaftPunk :3 just listening to them again is good. i haven't listen them in a few weeks. and they so good! ^_^
ah, modern medicine.. :3

uuuuurgh.. 'paaaaaain :(

i get to see beautiful boyf today later at 3:00... oh yay, but i think he'll have to be picked up, i can't go into town... ~__~ start up bleeding again..
so i hope he can come over, :( i need him..and miss him, and want hugs after 2day ~________~

okay, well that's my day.. :( hope the bleeding stops soon, it tastes and smells baaaad...

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