DAY 09 - 30 Days of Tumblr

Apr 09, 2010 23:26


The focus of this image is not completely acceptable, but this is one of my favourites I have taken thus far. For those who do not know, I have a group of pigeons that (I keep typing "who" because I honestly view animals as "people") visit every day and I feed them. I love pigeons. Such fascinating and intelligent creatures. You learn this quickly if you watch them for any amount of time. Luckily, these guys allow me to take photos and get pretty close up. Some of them even hand-feed, which is amazing for 'wild' pigeons that are not being hand-fed frequently in a park and around humans all the time. This one pictured above is Spike (because he looks like he has a mohawk, so cute). I had just started taking pictures with my new Canon, and I was so amazed at the detail the camera can pick up like those raindrops on Spike's breast. It was just beautiful. Spike looks so badass here, staring you down, and also all Exorcist-like with his head turned toward his back. I just love it. I cannot post this full-size photo because the file is enormous, sorry!

meme, pigeons, 30 days of tumblr, picspam

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