(no subject)

Jun 24, 2016 18:57

Those of you I've known for a while will know I am very into being a European citizen. I have been enthusiastic to learn languages since I was a child. I am fluent in French, I speak, say, intermediate Spanish (I haven't learned formally for years so I've lost comfidence), I've studied German to A1 level and I'm starting Portuguese and Italian.

I have worked in France and Spain. I've made friends from Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, and others. I. LOVE. EUROPE.

I was really hoping before I went to bed that the British public would see through the Leave Campaign's lies and realise that leaving the EU would not fix our serious problems with housing, education and health, and that cooperation is always better than isolation. It really seemed, especially after the tragic death of Jo Cox, that the mood was changing.

A lot of my generation felt strong ties to Europe. It has enriched our lives, especially coming from a country which does not care about our interests and in which a large proportion seem to be convinced it's still 1949.

Anyway, we were outvoted.

I haven't cried yet but I have felt like throwing up over the course of today. I'm heartbroken. I feel something more than shame. I feel disgraced to think that the Europeans I have loved and those I have yet to meet will assume I don't want to be associated with them.

The only thing that is cheering me up is the thought of aggressively pursuing my lifelong dream of pursuing a French man.

Maybe you think I'm being dramatic and ridiculous. Maybe I am. Well, it's been a long day.

Now for the love of God, let's not let Trump win too.
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