Apr 01, 2016 08:16
I got made redundant from my job, and it has been nearly two months since my last day. I went travelling for three weeks, which was wonderful, and now I have been back for four weeks.
And I'm doing job applications, all of which are taking at least a day so I can make them as good as possible - but I haven't heard back from a single one of them. Not a 'no', just no reply.
So I get that good old feeling of 'Why aren't you doing more, how have you wasted so much time?'.
I suppose it doesn't matter if companies don't reply. If you don't get paid, your time isn't valuable, so why should they care about wasting it?
I did my teaching qualification so I wouldn't be in this position again. But my last position teaching was so horrible - I was working all the hours God sent, constantly under pressure from my manager, no formal support unless taking my hours counted, etc. - that I fear doing that would be compromising my mental health.
So it's a rock and a hard place for me, at the moment.
I also just hate the SHAME of it. All of my friends have jobs. I feel embarrassed to appear in front of them with still not even an interview achieved. I wonder what they think of me, you know, am I a loser now?
It's amazing how quickly you can go from a confident and happy person to a miserable, insecure one when you don't have a job.
Oh yes, and I wanted to do more writing, but lately I have focused more on job applications. But as I said, I got no replies, so writing would have been better.