Actually I had a legitimate comment but...eeeh I'm not sure. Mostly cos I'm not sure if Ace would actually try to kill Boris or not rotflmao :| I had PM'ed Yun and Mimiru about log thing I plan on doing with Ace and since he /would/ be in the neighborhood....well.
I'M SORRY THAT APPARENTLY CREATED SCARY NOISES FOR YOU D: I was actually going to go to bed but I suddenly had an idea and had to come back and PM Ryuko about it rotflmao >_>
ANYWAY uhm. I really don't know. He did say he'd drop off the meat though >_>;
Awww ;_; ...Well we could also plot now that I'm awake. /for some reason got bombarded even though she was "away"
....rotflmao knowing Ace's luck he actually. Could feasibly do that on accident. But yeah I was already kind of scrapping the idea which was why I ended up just. Leaving that comment instead.
..... lmfao, that's actually true. And that comment totally brightened my day after I freaked out about hearing sounds at my window. Yes. Totally and completely.
Actually, this season sucks hard man. Like. There was maybe only ONE series that I would even CONSIDER and it was like.....IDK man. Mostly cos I'm not sold on the animation style though I like the series fine. I'm only keeping up with 3 series right now. Well 4 if I include Working!!. but I agree with you on that~
I rarely keep up with the seasons, just shows individually. And even then, I don't watch very often. I pick up manga series faster than I do anime. And lmfao, Working!!. I never actually did get around to looking that one up.
fffff, it's okay. I'll be over it... eventually. Dunno how I'm gonna wake up in time for school, but I'll manage.
I check Random Curiosity anime blog every once in a while, but for some reason I wanted to look at THAT so I did. They had a post thingie for the Spring season so I was like "ooooh." The reason why I knew about Durarara!! was from looking at the season preview on Random C actually. At first I had been skeptical but when I saw the opening............yeah I was sold rotflmao. There's not much in terms of manga, but rotflmao it's kind of interesting. Just a slice of life kind of thing.
...I could say something but that probably would make things worse.
Ahhh, okay then. That makes sense. idk, I normally don't have time to pick up new series to go along with what I'm already reading. I'm behind on KHR again, since I'm juggling about 5 on-going series at the moment. And Durarara!! is the only weekly one, sob. This shows how well I can balance things.
...Man. I used to keep up with like 8 different anime series plus a butt load of manga series. ...I still would do that if I had any series to keep up with :|a;
I've come to kill you....
/woke up in the middle of the night due to scratching noises at the window, oddly enough
Actually I had a legitimate comment but...eeeh I'm not sure. Mostly cos I'm not sure if Ace would actually try to kill Boris or not rotflmao :| I had PM'ed Yun and Mimiru about log thing I plan on doing with Ace and since he /would/ be in the neighborhood....well.
FFFFF. Not this again. Is he going to be shaved down to five lives?
ANYWAY uhm. I really don't know. He did say he'd drop off the meat though >_>;
FFF. It all depends if Boris is even around. I'm rather certain he's not in the carnival 87% Ace would have better luck if he just went to Chii's.
....rotflmao knowing Ace's luck he actually. Could feasibly do that on accident. But yeah I was already kind of scrapping the idea which was why I ended up just. Leaving that comment instead.
..... lmfao, that's actually true. And that comment totally brightened my day after I freaked out about hearing sounds at my window. Yes. Totally and completely.
No. :D
rotflmao I sowwy xD
fffff, it's okay. I'll be over it... eventually. Dunno how I'm gonna wake up in time for school, but I'll manage.
...I could say something but that probably would make things worse.
..... yeah, just shut up, Lae.
...So about that Host Club.
.... right. Host Club.
/shoves you off to bed
We'll talk tomorrow. You need sleep.
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