Issue: Duet 2003 08
Featuring: Arashi, Johnny's Jr. (inc. pre-NEWS, pre-Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, Hasegawa Jun, Ikuta Toma, Kazama Shunsuke, Toshin Yoshikazu, ABC, Ya-ya-yah, Kansai Jr., Musical Academy), KinKi Kids,
Shinhwa, Tackey & Tsubasa, TOKIO,
Ueto Aya, V6
Zips? No
Notes: I mislabelled the Johnny's Jr. scans so there's a jump from 27 to 29-- this does not mean the actual page is missing! Also, please check back later in case Mediafire errors pop up all over the place again.
Duet 2003 08 )