Rare Update

Mar 14, 2006 04:38

Now my letter to Attie has arrived, and as I feared, she took it the worst way possible, and everything blew up quite more than it would have to.

Though I wouldn't say I can blame her for feeling down and sad over it. That ever would afte all be prooving he feelings was there till now atelast.
But agian. She got most all other points wrong. PRobably she just saw the main point, and then *boom*... didn't care to read the rest. Even if I always have my bad habbits of offering anyone an explanation so that they have a chance to understand the intentions rightly.

I am not going to go into detail what she has said or not said, and I am not going to go after her complaints or insults. It is dead now. I don't care to fight. And she made quite damn sure it is burried too by now, so she better not complain. I still mean no offense. I still never ment harm. But I am deadly tired of trying to explain myself and then have peopel not listen to a single word becasue they are too consumed in their own ager to even process what I am saying. Even if it would perhaps proove there was less reaon to be angry. (Unless ofcourse they choose to solve or react with anger)


I am not goign to worry. I gave her free choice of how she wanted it fro that point off, but she pretty much decided to spit in my face instead. And so I am not going to follow that up, but take the hint and leave her the fck alone as that seems to be what she wishes. Though I guess this point prooves her right and me wrong from before June.

Yes. Hear that Attie? You were right. I were wrong. I screwed up on that point, and you were right in the long run. I admitt that. Happy?

And now. If I am such an ass as she portrays me as. Then I shoudn't really be worth tears at all. But hey.

As if I'll care. I would stil have if she wanted me to. BUT she has done exactly what I described in the letterfor her to do if I was to take the hint she didn't want me around anymore. And so. I keep my word. She showed the signs. I leave. Simple enough.

And well. Ofcourse she didn't seem to believe that my computers had a bit of issues lately. And yes. I admitt it coud seem suspicious and it was a bit odd it was to happe at that very moment. But again. If she dosn't want to believe me then fine. Be that way. Blame me and be happy.

On other accounts tohugh;

If this means I will loose contact with more people too, weather they are angry with me, or just simply are more loyal to her then me and so would go for that... then I'm sad but got to understand, and so goodbye to you too.

So I guess this is my goodbye to Attie. But atleast it is a goobye with a clean conciousness. Then she can accuse me and say whatever she want behind my back after I leave. She'll be over it all one day.
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