Mental Health Days

Jul 25, 2008 00:00

I'm taking tomorow (Friday, for you night owls) off to recharge my mental and emotional batteries. Its not like its been a tough week--hell its been a sloooooow week, which is worse in my opinion.

I'm currently giving serious consideration to selling my car. I love the Mazda but I'm not in love with having a car payment. My last car was just barely paid off for a few months before it started having big time problems and got traded in. I was so looking forward to not having yet another bill, and while I love the current wheels, the payment is still there. What to do....

I'm also in the process of giving away and ebaying/craigslisting a bunch of junk. I've come to the distinct conclusion that I have too much "stuff". I think it would feel good to pair down to more simplicity.
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